energy healing, heart energy, signs, afterlife Robin Forsyth energy healing, heart energy, signs, afterlife Robin Forsyth

Heartfelt Ramblings: Navigating Spiritual Conversations and Meaningful Signs in Everyday Life

In this episode of Aphantasia Experiments, join host Robin as she shares her personal experiences with signs and communication from the afterlife. While navigating stop-and-go traffic, Robin delves into her encounters with the inspirational teachings of Wayne Dyer, exploring his wisdom and its resonance with her own experiences in podcasting. She reflects on the profound impact of individual consciousness and the dangers of blindly following societal norms, drawing attention to the importance of tapping into one's own unique thoughts and intuition.

Throughout the episode, Robin opens up about her interactions with her late father-in-law, discussing the powerful signs and messages she has received from him after his passing. She delves into the ways in which she channels and communicates with him, highlighting the significance of developing a continued relationship with departed loved ones. Furthermore, she offers insight into the book "Signs" by Laura Lynn Jackson, recommending it as a transformative resource for individuals navigating the complexities of grief and seeking to establish ongoing connections with loved ones who have passed on.

Amidst her personal reflections, Robin briefly touches on the concept of energy healing and its diverse manifestations, emphasizing the ways in which various forms of healing can positively impact individuals. As she concludes the episode, Robin extends an invitation to listeners to share their own experiences and reflections, fostering a sense of community and shared understanding.

Listeners are encouraged to join Robin on this thought-provoking journey of exploration and introspection, delving into the realm of signs, communication, and the continuous presence of departed loved ones in our lives.

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 25: Spiritual Awakening: Dreams, Symbols, and the Interconnectedness of Life and Afterlife

Dive into the depths of spirituality with "Aphantasia Experiments." Explore the interconnectedness of life and the afterlife, decode dreams, and uncover the power of symbolism. Gain profound insights on psychic abilities, energy exchange, and the ripple effects of your actions. Join us for a transformative journey of awakening and enlightenment.

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 24: Finding Balance through Cycles: Tapping into the Wisdom of Nature and Lunar Phases

Explore the fascinating world of lunar phases and their connection to finding balance in your life. Learn how these phases reflect the ups and downs of your own journey. Uncover the intriguing relationship between lunar cycles and sleep disruptions, anxiety levels, and their potential impact on your overall well-being. This episode is a reminder to prioritize self-care, rest, and personal growth for a healthier and more fulfilling life.

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 23: From Burnout to Inspired Action: Rediscovering Purpose through Grounding and Meditation

Explore the depths of intuition and consciousness as we delve into powerful grounding practices and fractal meditations. Discover how these techniques can unleash your creativity and ignite inspired action. Join our unique meditation experiment, where you can contribute your intuitive insights and their connection to world events. Let's expand our understanding and explore new dimensions of consciousness together.

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 22: The Root Chakra Revolution: How Grounding Transforms Mental and Physical Well-being

Welcome to this episode of Aphantasia Experiments! In today's episode, we dive deep into the concept of grounding and its impact on our mental and physical well-being. Join us as we embark on a 30-day challenge to ground ourselves and explore the science behind it.

Throughout this episode, we discuss various techniques and exercises to help you stay connected to the Earth and tap into your intuition. We share personal experiences, including a powerful moment of realization during a yoga class and prophetic dreams in Cuba. We also explore the importance of the root chakra and its role in grounding ourselves.

But here's the twist – our host, Robin, faces a unique challenge due to aphantasia, a condition that affects their ability to visualize. They explore different grounding methods, including visualizations involving roots growing into the earth, but are searching for a way to best connect without relying on visualization techniques.

As we journey together, we invite you, our listeners, to join us in this 30-day grounding challenge. Stay tuned to the end of the episode to learn more about how you can participate and fill out a pre-challenge questionnaire to track your progress (link below). We'll also share the host's experimental findings and insights in a subsequent two-episode podcast.

So, whether you're someone who easily envisions grounding exercises or if visualization proves challenging for you, there's something here for everyone. Let's explore the power of grounding, improve our mental and physical well-being, and open up our intuition together.

Don't forget to subscribe to Aphantasia Experiments and join us on this exciting grounding journey. Together, let's discover new ways to stay connected to nature and enhance our daily lives.

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 21: Exploring the Neurodiverse Mind: ADHD, Psychic Abilities, Aphantasia, and a World of Unlimited Potential

In this episode of "Aphantasia Experiments," we delve into the fascinating world of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and how it impacts communication. Join us as we explore the experiences and insights of individuals living with ADHD and discover the unique perspectives they bring to the table.

Our featured speaker, a highly creative individual with ADHD, takes us on a journey through their personal experiences and reflections. They attribute their actions and behaviors to their ADHD, shedding light on its influence on their ambitions and career choices. Through their story, we gain an understanding of how ADHD can shape priorities, pushing us to strive for success while also longing for satisfaction and fulfillment.

As we delve deeper into the discussion, our speaker shares their ability to persevere, albeit within certain parameters of passion and interest. They unravel how their attention to detail has waned over time, leading them to only excel in subjects or projects that truly capture their engagement. We explore the connection between ADHD, academic prowess, and ways to enhance learning through creative, intuitive experiences.

Guiding us through their unique lens, our speaker emphasizes the importance of respect in communication, expressing their frustration with interruptions during speeches. Freelance work in writing and design becomes a focal point as they seek to channel their bursts of energy and productivity into fulfilling professional opportunities.

As we explore the impact of ADHD medication, we learn how the speaker's experience with Vyvanse has both aided and taxed their cognitive abilities. They share the need for decompression and meditation after exhausting their energy reserves, highlighting the importance of finding balance and revitalization in the face of ADHD's challenges.

But what does ADHD have to do with psychic phenomena and open-mindedness? Our speaker divulges their interest in spirituality, psychic development, and consciousness exploration. They discuss the relationship between creativity, intuition, and ADHD, shedding light on how an open mind can enhance a person's psychic experiences.

Listen closely as our speaker recounts memories of a tarot reader at their baby shower, who astoundingly predicted an eventual breakup with their partner. This event sparked their own exploration of tarot readings, focusing on the positive aspects and embracing the unscripted tangents that often occur.

Throughout the episode, our speaker candidly reflects on the perks and challenges of having ADHD. Moments of interrupted thoughts and lost trains of thought are intertwined with a strong determination to overcome obstacles. They underscore the importance of problem-solving and finding innovative solutions in their daily life, showcasing the boundless energy and unique ideas that ADHD individuals bring to the world.

Join us for this captivating episode of "Aphantasia Experiments" as we delve deeper into the world of ADHD, communication challenges, and the remarkable abilities that come with this unique condition. Tune in to discover a greater understanding of ADHD's influence on creative minds and gain valuable insights into enhancing communication in our everyday lives.

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 20: Unlock Third Eye with Aphantasia Meditation: Embrace Your Inner Vision | 30-Minute Daily Practice

Welcome to Aphantasia Experiments! In this transformative meditation journey, we delve into the depths of your consciousness to unlock your third eye and embrace your innate clairvoyant abilities. This mantra meditation is centered around the affirmation, "I am safe to expand," a powerful phrase that will guide you towards reconnecting with your intuitive self.

Meditation Highlights:

Unlock Third Eye Abilities

Duration: 30 Minutes

Mantra: "I am safe to expand"

About the Meditation:

Many believe that individuals with aphantasia possess untapped starseed origins, with past lives marked by persecution due to their clairvoyant gifts. This lifetime might have led to the suppression of these abilities. If you're ready to reawaken your true potential, this 30-minute daily meditation provides a safe and nurturing space for you to do so.

Caution and Invitation:

However, a word of caution: This meditation isn't for everyone. Opening yourself up to your latent abilities requires courage and a readiness for profound transformation. If you're not prepared to embrace your true self and explore the depths of your inner vision, this meditation might not be suitable for you.

Important Note:

To experience the full benefit of this meditation, we recommend practicing it every day for a week. Find a quiet and comfortable space to engage in this journey of self-discovery. Trust yourself and the process. If you're ready to embark on this transformative path, hit play and immerse yourself in the affirming energy of "I am safe to expand."

Join us in the comments section below to share your experiences, insights, and any revelations you might encounter during and after the meditation. Remember, you have the power to embrace your unique abilities and discover the wonders that lie within. 🌟🔮

Check out Expand with Elizabeth April podcast where I got the idea for this meditation here:

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 19: Psychic Transformation: Harnessing the Power of Authenticity for Spiritual Development and Intuitive Eating

Welcome to another episode of Aphantasia Experiments, where we delve into the interconnectedness of spiritual development and personal growth. In today's episode titled " Psychic Transformation: Harnessing the Power of Authenticity for Spiritual Development and Intuitive Eating," our host takes you on a walk with her dog, sharing her thoughts and experiences on authenticity, spiritual weight gain and loss, and the concept of intuitive eating.

In this captivating episode, our host explores the power of finding and using our authentic voice as she reflects on her journey of self-discovery through practices like talk therapy and podcasting. She opens up about her struggles with speaking her truth, influenced by societal expectations and family dynamics. Join her as she shares her breakthroughs in unlocking her true self, sparked by profound spiritual experiences and dreams from her childhood.

Throughout the episode, our host reveals her sincere desire to explore the correlation between ADHD, psychic development, and Aphantasia, particularly in adult females. While she acknowledges the need for talking points for a future episode, she invites listeners to share their input on this fascinating topic.

With refreshing authenticity, our host discusses her own insecurities and worries of being perceived as "crazy" while recording her podcast in public. She encourages listeners to embrace their growth journey at their own pace, starting with small steps such as recording voice notes to express their inner thoughts and then gradually sharing with trusted friends or loved ones. It's a heartwarming reminder that each individual's path to self-expression is unique and should be nurtured with patience and self-compassion.

In this thought-provoking episode, our host reflects on their childhood experiences and the disconnect they felt within their family. As they open up about their spiritual side to their husband and begin to embark on a new path, they contemplate the influence of celestial events like Mercury retrograde and strange happenings that often occur during this cosmic phenomenon.

Our host delves into their own upbringing in a household where religion played a nominal role, but a fascinating encounter with the Holy Rosary sparks their curiosity about the hypnotic trance and tapping into a higher source. They ponder the existence of a cosmic energy, viewing it as a plasma source akin to the Big Bang Theory, and strive to find their place within the metaphysical "video game" of life.

Throughout the episode, our host reflects on the importance of respecting and recognizing all belief systems, sharing personal stories of encounters with concepts such as prophecies and religious figures, like Mother Mary appearing in various forms. They question why dreams and prophecies are often dismissed in society while acknowledging that spirituality, whether true or not, can still have a positive impact on the lives of others.

With kindness, understanding, and love as their guiding principles, our host strives to be authentic in their communication and seeks to understand why diversity in religious beliefs and viewpoints should be embraced and respected rather than judged. Exploring the connection between near-death experiences and religious epiphanies, they reflect on the interconnectedness of all beings and the potential guidance from the universe to have faith in something beyond ourselves.

Join us in this enlightening episode of Psychic School as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, explore the intersection of religion and spirituality, and delve into the depths of the human soul. Tune in to unlock the secrets of the universe and expand your understanding of the metaphysical realm.

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 18: Embracing Diversity in Beliefs: Navigating the Intersection of Religion and Spirituality

Welcome to the Aphantasia Experiments podcast. In this episode, titled "Embracing Diversity in Beliefs: Navigating the Intersection of Religion and Spirituality," join our host as they navigate the complex landscape of belief systems and dive into their own personal journey. From questioning religious beliefs to exploring different spiritual practices, our host seeks to understand the significance of these aspects in their own life and in the world at large.

In this thought-provoking episode, our host reflects on their childhood experiences and the disconnect they felt within their family. As they open up about their spiritual side to their husband and begin to embark on a new path, they contemplate the influence of celestial events like Mercury retrograde and strange happenings that often occur during this cosmic phenomenon.

Our host delves into their own upbringing in a household where religion played a nominal role, but a fascinating encounter with the Holy Rosary sparks their curiosity about the hypnotic trance and tapping into a higher source. They ponder the existence of a cosmic energy, viewing it as a plasma source akin to the Big Bang Theory, and strive to find their place within the metaphysical "video game" of life.

Throughout the episode, our host reflects on the importance of respecting and recognizing all belief systems, sharing personal stories of encounters with concepts such as prophecies and religious figures, like Mother Mary appearing in various forms. They question why dreams and prophecies are often dismissed in society while acknowledging that spirituality, whether true or not, can still have a positive impact on the lives of others.

With kindness, understanding, and love as their guiding principles, our host strives to be authentic in their communication and seeks to understand why diversity in religious beliefs and viewpoints should be embraced and respected rather than judged. Exploring the connection between near-death experiences and religious epiphanies, they reflect on the interconnectedness of all beings and the potential guidance from the universe to have faith in something beyond ourselves.

Join us in this enlightening episode of Psychic School as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, explore the intersection of religion and spirituality, and delve into the depths of the human soul. Tune in to unlock the secrets of the universe and expand your understanding of the metaphysical realm.

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 16: The Ripple Effect: How One Act of Kindness Can Change Multiple Lives

Welcome back to another episode of Aphantasia Experiments In today's episode, titled "The Ripple Effect: How One Act of Kindness Can Change Multiple Lives," we delve into the incredible power of small acts of kindness and the profound impact they can have on multiple lives. We explore the concept that our daily actions, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can lead to a positive life review. Join us as we discover that it's the little things we do in life that hold the greatest importance.

In this episode, our speaker recounts a fascinating experiment they conducted with staring at a flame and witnessing the unexpected sight of a red heart balloon. This discovery sparked a series of events where hearts seemed to appear everywhere they looked, from puddles to leaves. Moreover, we'll explore their extraordinary dreams, where they astral travel and experience the lives of others, receiving powerful messages and life lessons.

Brace yourself for a captivating discussion on the connection between water and intuition, as our speaker reveals the profound sensations they experience when surrounded by water and the enhancement of their dreams. We'll delve into the idea that repetitive situations in life can either be negative or positive, shedding light on the valuable lessons that can be learned from them.

In this episode, we emphasize the power of prayer and song, encouraging you to connect with nature and experience the elemental forces of water, fire, or simply taking a walk in nature. We'll address the importance of grounding ourselves to the Earth and tapping into the source of all existence.

As we explore the speaker's unique insights, we'll also delve into their experience living with aphantasia, a condition where they lack the ability to visualize images in their mind. We'll explore the challenges they face and discuss how understanding their perspective can help guide and teach others with similar intuitive abilities and aphantasia.

Join us as we unravel recent profound experiences from the speaker's life, highlighting how sometimes the hardest moments can hold hidden blessings. We'll dive into the joy and sense of weightlessness they experienced while snorkeling in Cuba, and the powerful lessons they learned about embracing change and feeling more connected to the Earth and the world around them.

Throughout the episode, we'll touch on the importance of self-care, energy management, and the profound impact our moods and actions have on those around us. We'll explore the ripple effects of negative energy and the steps we can take to uplift ourselves and create a harmonious environment.

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 15: Aphantasia and Fever-Induced Visions: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Mind

On this captivating episode of Aphantasia Experiments, your host Robin takes you on a mind-bending journey into the world of fevers and their unexpected effects on the brain. Robin, known for hosting both the Psychic School and Aphantasia Experiments podcasts, shares a deeply personal account of their recent illness and explores the intriguing connections between fever, heightened senses, and extraordinary psychic experiences.

As Robin recounts their extraordinary fever-induced encounter with the "other side," they delve into topics such as remote viewing, mediumship, and the power of connecting to a specific place through psychic abilities. Robin invites listeners to share their own experiences and discusses the fascinating phenomenon of communicating with loved ones beyond the veil.

But that's not all, Robin also seeks advice on booking a family vacation while navigating the complexities of food allergies. With their sharp eye for details and knack for distinguishing authentic reviews, Robin embarks on an enchanting adventure that leads them to seek guidance from an unlikely source.

Prepare to be captivated as Robin dives deep into the realm of spiritual development, mediumship, and the extraordinary ways in which fever can unlock hidden psychic abilities. Don't miss out on this fascinating episode of Aphantasia Experiments. Tune in and embark on your own journey into the unknown alongside Robin.

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 14: Sights Unseen, Sounds Unheard: Aphantasia, Clairaudience, and the Path to Understanding

In this intriguing episode of Aphantasia Experiments, join our host as they delve into the fascinating world of aphantasia and clairaudience. With their characteristic curiosity and deep introspection, they explore the intricacies of these unique abilities and how they impact perceptions of the mind and the spiritual realm.From recounting their own experiences of clairaudience to discussing the challenges and revelations of aphantasia, our host invites listeners to venture into uncharted territories of the mind. As they traverse the landscapes of deep meditation and visualization techniques, they share personal anecdotes and reflections that highlight the profound nature of these abilities.Delve into the mysteries of clairaudience, where intuitive messages and voices from beyond are heard, and the enigma of aphantasia, the inability to visualize thoughts, comes to the forefront. Our host shares their own personal struggles and triumphs, inviting listeners on a journey of self-discovery and exploration. Discover the power of listening to silence and embracing the space in between sounds, for it is in these moments that profound insights and messages may emerge. Join us as we navigate the wondrous realms of aphantasia and clairaudience, and unravel the secrets of the mind and the mysteries that lie beyond our five senses.Tune in to this thought-provoking episode of Aphantasia Experiments, where the realms of the mind and the spiritual intertwine, leaving listeners with a deeper understanding of the boundless potential of human perception.

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 13: From Aphantasia to Psychic Abilities: Bridging the Gap in Perception

On this episode of Aphantasia Experiments, we dive into the fascinating world of clairvoyance and developing psychic abilities. Our speaker shares their journey, starting with their initial interest in clairvoyance after seeing a blue star. They believe that with focus, practice, and learning, they can tap into their clairvoyant potential. They explore different practices such as meditation and hypnosis to enhance their abilities. Our speaker also discusses their quest to develop their intuition and listen to the voice in their head. They touch on experiencing other people's voices, which they promise to explore further in a future episode. In this episode, their focus is on clairvoyance and being clairvoyant. Throughout the conversation, our speaker shares intriguing experiences and observations. They mention sensing something different about people, like different skin color, that others don't seem to notice. They question if they have some clairvoyancy based on their ability to envision what people might look like when talking to them on the phone, even if they have never met before. However, they confess to struggling with visualizing characters while reading books. The speaker recounts moments of synchronicity and profound insights during their journey. They describe feeling a vibration and a profound understanding of the meaning of life and the beauty of everything in the universe. They also mention having multiple downloads of information and understanding future problems and their impact on humanity. Our speaker also introduces an exercise focused on developing clairvoyant abilities. This exercise involves focusing on the area above the bridge of the nose, known as the third eye, and should be repeated for 10 to 15 minutes. They share their own experience of staring at a flame for 15 minutes and reaching out to friends to discuss the energy they were experiencing. Towards the end of the episode, the speaker invites listeners who have aphantasia, the inability to visualize, and an interest in psychic abilities to share their experiences. They also discuss the intriguing concept of the Schumann Resonance, a measure of Earth's energy, and its potential connection to psychic phenomena. This episode is a crossover between the Psychic School podcast and Aphantasia experiments, as the host is passionate about both developing psychic skills and curing Aphantasia. They believe that understanding their own mind and thought processes helps them tap into their intuition. The host shares their own journey with Aphantasia and the significant changes in their mental abilities, particularly in hearing voices in their head. They reflect on the interconnections between their current self and their past self, and how everything is interconnected. Don't miss this thought-provoking and insightful episode as Aphantasia Experiments delves into the realm of clairvoyance, psychic abilities, and the intriguing topic of Aphantasia.

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 12: Personal Experience with Visualization Experiment for Aphantasia

Hello fellow aphantastic people! In this episode I share the experience that made me want to start this podcast. This episode shares my experience talking out loud about what I see when my eyes are closed. I believe the whole process is called image streaming, or atleast it's a variation of image streaming.It is a magical and transformational experience that I encourage every person with aphantasia to try. When we speak out loud, something connects in our brain, I don't know what, but I am telling you, it happens! Trust me! Take a listen to hear my entire experience. Try it for yourself and let me know how it goes!

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 11: Visualizing vs Knowing: A Discussion on Aphantasia and Psychic Abilities

In this episode of Aphantasia Experiments, Robin shares an episode from her new channel, Psychic School. Robin delves into the fascinating topic of aphantasia, a condition where a person is unable to visualize things in their mind's eye. She shares a personal story of her own experience with this condition and her curiosity about the different ways people receive information.

Robin explores the idea of non-visual meditation and sound healing, sharing her own experiences where she "knows" things but cannot visualize them. She invites listeners to reflect on their own ability to see movies and still images and asks if some people do not see images at all.

The episode also features a discussion on dreams and the ability to recall them visually, giving the listeners a chance to chime in with their own experiences.

As with all episodes of Aphantasia Experiments, the ultimate goal is to explore different tools and practices to develop intuition and psychic abilities. Join Robin and fellow listeners on this enlightening journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 10: Unlocking Memories and Releasing Negativity: A Sound Healing Meditation

Welcome to this meditation podcast, where I will amateurely guide you through a powerful meditation practice designed to help you recall memories and release unwanted emotions and energies from your body. Using the power of sound healing and singing bowls, this practice will help you vibe at a higher level, clear your mind and focus your thoughts.

As we journey together in meditation, you'll feel your body become more attuned to the vibrations of the bowls, which will help you connect more deeply with your inner self. You'll notice as your mind clears and your breath slows, allowing you to fully open up to the power of this healing practice.

Through this practice, you'll be able to recall more memories throughout your day, helping you to strengthen your memory and improve your overall cognitive performance. You may also notice an increase in your dream frequency and focus levels, as your mind becomes more attuned to the rhythms of your body.

So relax, let go of any worries or stress from your day and allow yourself to be guided through this transformative meditation practice. You'll hopefully emerge feeling lighter, clearer and more focused, ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead.

I know this podcast doesn't actually talk about aphantasia, but I started doing this practice to try to visualize, and instead I started recalling memories (non-visually). I am hoping that with this practice I might figure out if at any point I could visualize and if something happened in my life to cause it to go away. Stay tuned!

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 09: Aphantasia: How Your Bedtime Routine Could Affect Your Ability to Visualize

In this podcast, I explore the possibility that poor bedtime habits and excessive screen time could be causing aphantasia - the inability to visualize. I dive deeper into the question of whether watching TV before bed could be causing young children to lose this valuable skill. Additionally, I discuss the importance of practicing visualization and whether or not it is simply a skill that needs to be developed. Join me as I investigate the potential link between poor bedtime routines, screen time, and aphantasia.

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 08: Aphantasia and Drawing from Memory: Exploring False Memories, SDAM and Deja Vue

Meet Robin, the driving force behind this unique podcast and YouTube channel. Join her as she opens up her mind, sharing her thoughts, experiences, and questions with the world. Delve into the intriguing world of Aphantasia, a condition where the mind's eye remains closed, and discover how it has shaped her perception and creativity. As a seeker of spiritual knowledge, Robin unravels the secrets of consciousness and explores unique ways to tap into her inner creativity, all while navigating life with Aphantasia. Join the conversation, share your stories, and become a part of this enlightening journey.

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Robin Forsyth Robin Forsyth

Episode 07: Aphantasia Questions: Exploring How Our Brains Share Thoughts

Meet Robin, the driving force behind this unique podcast and YouTube channel. Join her as she opens up her mind, sharing her thoughts, experiences, and questions with the world. Delve into the intriguing world of Aphantasia, a condition where the mind's eye remains closed, and discover how it has shaped her perception and creativity. As a seeker of spiritual knowledge, Robin unravels the secrets of consciousness and explores unique ways to tap into her inner creativity, all while navigating life with Aphantasia. Join the conversation, share your stories, and become a part of this enlightening journey.

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