Episode 14: Sights Unseen, Sounds Unheard: Aphantasia, Clairaudience, and the Path to Understanding


In this intriguing episode of Aphantasia Experiments, join our host as they delve into the fascinating world of aphantasia and clairaudience. With their characteristic curiosity and deep introspection, they explore the intricacies of these unique abilities and how they impact perceptions of the mind and the spiritual realm.From recounting their own experiences of clairaudience to discussing the challenges and revelations of aphantasia, our host invites listeners to venture into uncharted territories of the mind. As they traverse the landscapes of deep meditation and visualization techniques, they share personal anecdotes and reflections that highlight the profound nature of these abilities.Delve into the mysteries of clairaudience, where intuitive messages and voices from beyond are heard, and the enigma of aphantasia, the inability to visualize thoughts, comes to the forefront. Our host shares their own personal struggles and triumphs, inviting listeners on a journey of self-discovery and exploration. Discover the power of listening to silence and embracing the space in between sounds, for it is in these moments that profound insights and messages may emerge. Join us as we navigate the wondrous realms of aphantasia and clairaudience, and unravel the secrets of the mind and the mysteries that lie beyond our five senses.Tune in to this thought-provoking episode of Aphantasia Experiments, where the realms of the mind and the spiritual intertwine, leaving listeners with a deeper understanding of the boundless potential of human perception.

Speaker A [00:00:01]: Hello and welcome to another episode of the Psychic School podcast, as well as the Athantasia Experiment Experiments podcast. This is another crossover episode and I am recording this in my car on my way to work. I am in summer mode, so I have three children at home with me and a husband who is a teacher. And it's hard to find time to to record in a quiet zone. So my alone time is walking the dog in the morning and driving to work when I go into the office. So that is when I am going to have to record for the next eight weeks to keep going with this podcast. So unless I find other time, I apologize for the sound of my car making noises, the indicator and whatnot. But one great thing about listening to a podcast that's been recorded in the car is you might hear me come across some strange animal on the road or a cardinal flying by and that might be a sign for you. Speaker A [00:01:03]: Who knows, right? Today I wanted to talk about developing your Claire audient abilities. And I don't know why I struggle with the verbs behind our Claire's, like St. Clair audience, claire sentient, Claire audience. Is it Claire? Audience I don't know. Doesn't matter. But I've had some pretty profound moments in the last month or so that I wanted to share. So a little bit about me. If you've listened to some of my other podcasts, you'll know that I have aphantasia. Speaker A [00:01:46]: So I don't have the ability to visualize in my mind's eye, but I have like full blown aphantasia where and not everyone knows that you can have this, where you don't hear things in your mind or smell things in your mind. And I think the people that smell things in their mind or hear music or see music and that kind of stuff is like people who are really special. I think we're all special. I'm going to throw that out there. But I think those are unique abilities. But I find a regular ability is most people have is the ability to visualize, which I don't have, and the ability to differentiate noises in your brain so to be able to hear other people's voices. So like, if you had a conversation with someone, you could replay that conversation and hear those voices in your mind or see the whole conversation play out because it plays out like a movie. I don't have that and I don't have the ability to hear other people's voices. Speaker A [00:02:48]: I only hear my own. And when I get music in my head, which is almost every day, the music is just me kind of singing certain lyrics. And then I have to dig deep and figure out what those lyrics mean or what the song means. Sometimes a song will play and it really just brings me back to a memory at a certain time in my life and a feeling I had in that time. So it's like it comes in just to remind me of a moment or connect the dots between moments in my life. So I only know this about myself. So I found out I had aphantasia a good year and a half ago and that made me really dive deep into how my mind works and how it stores things. See, now I'm at a train stop. Speaker A [00:03:39]: So you're going to hear a train go by. See, that's magical, right? Like you wouldn't hear that if I was recording it at home. So you're welcome. Maybe a train is your sign for this week. So I know that I can't hear in my voice because I've had to really think about it. I was reading about five sense aphantasia and I was like, is this me? I always have music in my head, but I had to really think about, do I have music? Do I have sounds in my head? Like, could I make a dog bark in my brain? No, I can't. Can I hear a flute playing in my head? No, can't do that. I could go woo, woo, woo in my head, like making a sound like a flute, like mimicking one, but I can't actually hear it. Speaker A [00:04:26]: So I know this about myself, but only because I really had to think about it. You really have to think about how your mind works and dig deep. Like, if you are someone who visualizes, how do you visualize? Do you see it in front of you? Do you see it in the back of your head? Do you see shapes? Do you see a movie? Do you have a photographic memory? I swear, every person I meet is so different. And so if you can really ask yourself that and let me know, send me an email to psychicschoolpodcast@gmail.com. I'd love to hear from you, whatever way your brain works. I'm trying to compile this information because I feel like it's something that's not really researched that much. And I really feel like if we could understand how our brains store and process and think, it would really help us understand how people make decisions in life. And I don't know how you lead your life. Speaker A [00:05:27]: I really think it matters anyway. So I know this about myself because I did the research and so you don't know. And you're like sitting there being like, I don't know if I'm Claire audience. I don't know if I'm claire sentient. I don't know if I'm this, I don't know if I'm that. Think about it. Think about can you hear in your voice? Can you hear in your mind? What does that sound like? Is it like a milkman voice? Like the voice? There's an article by the Firefox co founder. He found out he had aphantasia and he talks about how he has the milkman voice in his head, which is basically his voice that says, like, oh, gotta pick up milk on my way home. Speaker A [00:06:01]: Gotta get laundry. Know, like that voice that is just monotone, that's just kind of telling you what's up, what you need to do throughout the day. And I definitely have that. That is what I have, my own voice telling me what to do. But that's it. So I have been working really hard at developing my intuition. I do a lot of meditation, I do a lot of breath work. I'm always reading books on developing my intuition. Speaker A [00:06:29]: And I really have tried to focus in on the Claire Audient stuff because and if you listen to my last podcast, I talk about how I've opened up to my visual side a bit, which is pretty incredible and very slow moving, but it's still incredible. But this whole time I was thinking, well, I think my Claire Audient abilities are stronger than my visual ones because I definitely hear stuff in my voice and I hear stuff in my head. Even though it's my own voice, it doesn't always feel like it's coming from me. Sometimes something will drop into my head that does not sound like me. It's in my own voice, but it's not in my own way of speaking. I word the sentence. Like, I say the sentence in a weird way. And I read this book recently. Speaker A [00:07:20]: Oh, I'm going to forget what it's called. Gifts of hope. Maybe it's by Suzanne something or other. Oh, I'll put it in the show notes. She was in the army or something. Oh my God, I'm going to butcher this. But very serious job. Her stepdaughter died. Speaker A [00:07:37]: She started opening up doing meditation, and these poems would come through for her. She asked her guides to come through in a way that she knew wouldn't be her own voice because again, it would come in in her own voice. But she needed it to come in in a way that wasn't expected for her. And so she isn't into poetry at all. And all of this information was coming in through poems. It's pretty incredible. The book is wild. Anyways, so I started asking my guides for them to come in in different ways that were unexpected to me. Speaker A [00:08:12]: So I had a rat one day that came in and I'm struggling trying to figure out sorry, I'm getting over sickness here. Talking is hard. Figure out how to record these things. Like, is it recording it on my phone when I'm in a deep meditation, it's like, how do you stay in that meditation zone but record all the information that's coming in? Do you write it down? Do you record it on a phone? Every little piece that you add to record or I feel like it takes you away from the actual download. So I'm struggling with that. If anyone has any pieces of advice, what I've been doing is just recording, like pressing record and talking out loud and seeing what I can remember and whatever. Anyways, another tangent so my Claire audience stuff, I've been doing these Joe Dispenza meditations where he makes you visualize and again, it's not really visualizing because it's all about the black space around you. So you don't need to picture going into a forest or walking down a meadow or whatever. Speaker A [00:09:37]: It's about like picture imagine the space between your fingers and the space between your butt and the seat that you're in. And it's such an abstract way of thinking to think about the space between people and little details like that. Your brain has to dig into a weird part that you're not used to accessing and that accessing that zone. It kind of opens you up to a portal, if that makes sense. Sorry, I'm just drinking my coffee because I have a tickle in my throat. So I've been doing these meditations and I'm getting all these, like, downloads and it's mostly in my voice. And then I have these like they're not visual, but I know I mentioned this in a podcast before, so if I'm repeating myself, I'm sorry. But I get these full downloads and I don't see anything, but I know things. Speaker A [00:10:40]: So for example, I saw a guy in a yellow plaid shirt but I couldn't see it. I was this guy and I knew I was like an older gentleman with like grayish bearding hair and I had this yellow plaid shirt on, I was getting into this vehicle, I've had several things like that. I'm like, what is this? Is this me? Like in different lives? What is it? Who are these people? I'm not sure, sorry. Anyways, that has nothing to do with Claire audience. But it just shows. Like when you try different meditation techniques, it can open your brain up in different ways. And I think that just doing these practices has opened me up. And so the couple experiences I've had and this is in the last, like, three weeks. Speaker A [00:11:28]: I was laying in bed one morning and my husband was next to me, and I turned over because I heard my friend Sarah say, good morning. And my friend Sarah lives like 2 hours away. We send voice notes all the time and often I'll get a message from her in the morning being like, Good morning. And I know her voice so well and it brings such joy to me every time I hear her. But this morning, that morning I heard her voice loud and clear. It was like she was in bed with me and I was like, what the fuck was that? That was so weird. And because I'm so aware of the fact that I cannot hear other people's voices, it jumped me out of bed. I was like, what was that? And then I was like, that was Claire audience. Speaker A [00:12:15]: Like, why, I bet she was thinking about me. And of course I go to look at my phone and there's a message from her and it starts with good morning in her voice, like her chipper voice that I love hearing in the morning. It was the exact same voice. And it came through. And then I was doing a meditation. This was another exercise that I was doing to open up my clairvoyant abilities. I was staring at a flame and I was staring at it. And then I saw this. Speaker A [00:12:46]: So if you heard, listen to my last podcast. Again, I saw this red heart. But then the more I got into this meditation, I started hearing the voice of someone in my family who's not doing very well. And I don't want to get into details about that because I don't know if one day, I don't know, he listens to it or something. I'm not going to say names, but this person who's been struggling with his health, he came to me and he said in his voice, which is his voice is very clear. Like he has a very distinctive voice and it's a male voice, not my own. And he told me that what he said to me. He said, it's even more beautiful here than I could have ever imagined. Speaker A [00:13:29]: And he wanted me to tell someone. Anyways, again, I don't want to get into too much detail just in case. I don't run this story by anyone yet. But it was like a message to tell him. I feel like I'm supposed to tell him in real life because he's not doing well. And I think he's scared to cross over that everything that he believes is going to happen when he crosses over, it's going to and it's going to be even more beautiful than he expected. But it was like so clear in his voice. And then I had another experience. Speaker A [00:14:05]: And this is going to just sound fucking nuts. And there's my swear word. I got to put a disclaimer that this is a dirty episode now. Oops, I had an experience. So I know I've mentioned before that I go to the gym and my routine is to go in the steam room for 20 minutes and then go for a cold shower for two minutes, then go back to the steam room. It's like pretty hard, but you get this body buz after and it really feels great. Anyway, so it's part of my meditative practice. And I swear, like, just going to the gym, if you're like a busy mom or a busy person and you're like, oh, I don't have any time to do anything, I get it, girl. Speaker A [00:14:51]: Trust me. Or boy, whatever, whoever you are, I get it. Trust me. If you can do anything for yourself, where you can have time, quiet time, where it's like the best thing for opening up your abilities. So I got a gym membership thinking I need to get into better shape. And yeah, exercising is really great. But for me, because I have such a busy house, being able to have quiet, it's in my gym. Literally nobody goes to the same room. Speaker A [00:15:24]: So I use it at this meditative area, and it is opening me up. Like, whoa. So anytime there's someone in the gym with me, I practice by opening my own energy up. And I get major downloads about the other person in the thing. It's kind of maybe invasive. I probably shouldn't do that, but it's like me practicing, right? But I'm too chicken shit to say anything to the other person. But I am doing this meditation after, and I'm by myself. So this woman came in and then she left. Speaker A [00:16:01]: And then I was doing this meditation by myself. And I was saying out loud, which I was alone in the steam room, just like whispering to myself. I said, if there's any spirits that want to come through to get me to send a message to their loved ones here on this earth, please come through. I'm listening, I'm here. Blah, blah. And I got, hey, it's Bob. And I'm like, what the fuck? Who's bob again. Sorry for the swearing. Speaker A [00:16:32]: And it was Bob Saget, which is like just ridiculous, right? Who hears Bob Saget in their meditation? But I have this weird connection, and I'm not going to go into it, but I have a weird connection to John Stamos. And the message I got from Bob was to tell John Stamos that he is sending in Golden Gate Bridges and that he needs to be aware that it is him sending it. And that not to disregard it, just so it makes him feel know. Anyways. It was Bob Saget's voice. And I was like, what is Bob Saget doing here? And I just think that it's because these people who have crossed over sometimes, they're just like, waiting for someone to be like, hey, come send me a message and I'll deliver it for you, kind of thing. And I have this, and I'm too scared to reach out in the way that I could. I don't know. Speaker A [00:17:33]: I'll figure it out. I ended up sending him a message on Instagram. Like he's ever going to check that. So that was another experience with the voice, which I thought was really cool. And then, okay, one more thing before I end this because I'm almost at my work. Actually. I've driven around the block several times to finish this podcast. Again, I mentioned in my last podcast that I got a book from Valley Village. Speaker A [00:18:02]: It is called the Psychic Navigator, I think by John Holland. It's like a really short read, but throughout it, it has these exercises. And one of the exercises was for developing your Claire audience stuff. And it said, basically, sit still and listen to the voices or, like, the sounds around you. So I was practicing this yesterday. My kids were in the pool. I was listening to every child's voice. It says, close your eyes and listen to all the noises. Speaker A [00:18:37]: So I was listening to the birds, the highway traffic, which is far enough away from my house that it's not loud, but I can still hear it. Like the leaves moving, the birds chirping, the conversations with neighbors. Everything's so quiet. But the point is to try to differentiate every single sound. So I'm doing this and it starts talking about listening to this or sorry, the exercise says to listen to the space in between each sound, which is like it reminds me of what Joe Dispenza was saying about imagining the space in between things. So, like, the space in between your butt and your chair or like, between your fingers. And like the concept of, like, listening in between noises. It again, it puts your brain into this state that you're not used to being into. Speaker A [00:19:27]: So I was doing this and it says the more you can listen to all the sounds at once and pay attention, you'll start to hear the stuff come through and the sound in between. And that just sounds just like it makes no sense. But I was like it felt when I was doing it yesterday and it was hard because there's so many noises, but I was like, Something's happening here. I feel really connected to the universe right now when I was doing it. So last night, I woke up at 02:00 in the morning, as always. It's like 222. I will almost always see my watch or the clock alarm at 222. So I go downstairs and if I struggle sleeping at night, sometimes I'll just put in a meditation and listen. Speaker A [00:20:20]: But last night it was a full moon, July 3 night. And I swear, and I've been having this for months where I wake up, especially during a full moon, and it feels like the sky is talking to me. And I can't hear what it's saying, but I just hear it. So I decided last night I'm not going to put my headphones in. I'm just going to do exactly what I learned in this meditation or this activity in this book. So I'm listening to the sounds and I'm hearing the sound of the sky. It almost sounds like a whale, like a whale talking. Anyways, I'm listening and I'm hearing oh, my God, so many noises, but so little noises at the same time. Speaker A [00:21:10]: Like, it's so quiet in my house, but I'm hearing everything. And then I start asking questions. And I wish I remember the questions I was asking, but I asked a question to someone I lost, and he was communicating with me and saying pretty profound things that had deep meaning. And then I was like, can you send me something that I know you're really here right now? And I was just listening. And then all of a sudden I hear this noise, and it's like this tapping. And I'm thinking it's my dog. This sound like this I'm thinking it's my dog scratching her leg in our bedroom, which my husband's up in our bedroom, but I've gone downstairs to sleep because I get really hot and bothered in the middle of the night sometimes, especially during a full moon. So I'm downstairs and I'm thinking, it's my dog. Speaker A [00:22:07]: And then I look up and my dog is sitting next to me on the couch. So I'm like, okay, well, it's not my dog. And I'm like, Where is this sound coming from? I'm like, Is it my husband? Does he have, like, an itchy leg and he's just making a lot of noise? I don't know. So I go upstairs and the tap in the shower had started on its own. It was totally spirit communicating, and I had to fiddle with this tap to get it to stop, but I was like, okay, this is something. But the point is, if you wake up in the middle of the night and you're struggling, sleeping, and you're into developing your stuff like I am, try to just calm your mind and listen to every single sound that you hear. And then in that process, start to listen to the sound in between the sounds. And then when you get to that zone, which is like a special zone to be in, start asking the questions that you want to know answers to. Speaker A [00:23:09]: If you're struggling with your job or your next steps or like a sign that you need in your life to help you direct you on the right path or whatever, this is the time to ask, and it's amazing what will come through. So for me, it was still coming through in my own voice, but it was coming through like that book in a way that didn't sound like my own voice, like, it didn't sound like how I would speak. So I don't know. I feel like the more I do these exercises, the more I am opening and realizing how magical and wonderful the universe is. And it makes me just want to share more and more and more. So I hope this gets through to someone today. And you're like, I don't know, it reaches you and inspires you and you realize that you're a lot more magical than you might believe. Anyways, I hope that gets through to someone today. Speaker A [00:24:14]: If you have aphantasia and you want to talk to me about an experience you've had opening up to being able to visualize or hear or smell or anything, I am so open to hearing about your experiences. Please reach out to me. I have two email addresses, but I get less emails on my psychic school. One because I don't have any spam yet. Psychicschoolpodcast@gmail.com. Please reach out and let me know if there's any kind of experiments you want me to do on myself to try to open up stuff. I am so open and on board to try anything. So if you're like, man, I wish I knew if her brain could do this. Speaker A [00:25:01]: Try this, then tell me. Send me a message. I am so for it. Please, please. Love you. I am going to work now, so I hope you enjoyed this podcast and reach out if you have any questions or advice for me. Thanks and have a wonderful, awesome, joy filled day.


Episode 15: Aphantasia and Fever-Induced Visions: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Mind


Episode 13: From Aphantasia to Psychic Abilities: Bridging the Gap in Perception