Episode 23: From Burnout to Inspired Action: Rediscovering Purpose through Grounding and Meditation


Welcome to Aphantasia Experiments, where we explore the depths of intuition and consciousness. In this episode, we delve into the fascinating realms of grounding and fractal meditations, and how they can unlock untapped creativity and ignite a powerful sense of inspired action.

Join us as we embark on an exciting experiment together, connecting our intuitive abilities to the world events unfolding around us. We invite you, our curious and open-minded listeners, to be a part of this groundbreaking meditation experiment.

During this episode, we'll guide you through powerful grounding practices, helping you establish a deep connection with the Earth and its natural energy. We'll explore fractal meditations, captivating practices designed to break patterns and stimulate innovative thinking.

But that's not all – we have a special request for you. We'd love for you to participate in our meditation experiment for world events. We've prepared a Google form where you can share your experiences and insights related to meditations or dreams connected to global happenings. Think of it as a collective exploration of our intuitive abilities and their connection to the world around us.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to contribute to our research. Save the form link, whether on your phone or home screen, and submit your experiences throughout the coming days and weeks. We'll be tracking the entries and analyzing if any of your intuitive insights align with unfolding world events.

Remember, our podcast is all about discovery, problem-solving, and finding truth. Together, let's push the boundaries of our intuitive abilities and explore new dimensions of consciousness.

From Burnout to Inspired Action: Rediscovering Purpose through Grounding and Meditation
Robin Caitlin


Speaker A [00:00:00]:

Hello and welcome to another episode of Aphantasia Experiments. I'm so excited that you're listening. I'm so excited that you're here with me. I wanted to talk a little bit about why I started this podcast. A little bit about my background of who I am. When I was a kid, I wanted to solve all the mysteries. I wanted to be a detective. Like, that was what I wanted to be when I grew up.

Speaker A [00:00:28]:

And so everywhere I went, I would make mysteries up in my head. Like, I would see a guy in line and I would pretend that he was like a bank robber and that he was going to I would just make up these scenarios in my head and I would try to solve the mystery. I think it probably was because my parents watched a lot of Colombo, looking back. But yeah, I really liked solving mysteries. And all through my career, I was always the person at my office to solve problems. Computer issues, marketing problems, any sort of issue. I was the kind of go to person to solve problems. It's been kind of something that's just a part of who I am.

Speaker A [00:01:18]:

I like solving problems and discovering the truth, I guess. Like discovering I like being a detective of life, basically. Okay, so when I discovered I had Aphantasia a couple of years ago, I was like, what the actual why? I really want to be able to visualize. Yes, but it's more like, why can 98% of other people do this and I can't? Why is that? What is it about my brain that makes it so that's not possible? And is there something I can do to turn this on? Is that a possibility? I'm so curious and I've had tiny bits of luck and I'm researching all the time and I'm trying to share with you guys as much as possible. But part of this journey has really led me to believe or led me to research more other things like researching about consciousness and near death experiences. And every little thing you learn about sends you down a new rabbit hole and it's like such a magical experience. I actually wrote notes this time. So what I wanted to talk about here was how this podcast is an experiment.

Speaker A [00:02:44]:

So during my podcast, I'm going to run experiments. So currently I am walking in a circle around my island to just talk out my podcast. I don't have a screen in front of me. I usually just talk or walk or whatever. But this time I'm walking in a circle because this is what I do. I used to do this when I had sales calls, actually. I think maybe it's like stimming if you really think about it. But I used to pace up and down whenever I had a call that I had to pitch something or whatever I had to do, and I had to put my game face on.

Speaker A [00:03:18]:

I would just start walking in a circle or pace my pool. One time I walked around my whole block because I just kept walking. I can't sit and have a phone call. That's fun. So why should I sit and do a podcast, right? So today I am walking in a circle. That's part of my experiment. And I'm going to see kind of where this podcast takes me. I do have a few things that I really want to get to.

Speaker A [00:03:45]:

Allergies world events, synchronicities, fractal, meditations and Damahar. There's so much science and spirituality. I have so many talking points, but we'll see what I get through as I walk. So I had this idea for an app, probably a year, maybe two years ago. I was in the shower and I was thinking about how so many people have psychic abilities and they probably have these experiences where they predict world events or tragedies or whatever, but they have no platform to put that information. So I wanted to create an app where whenever you did a meditation and something profound came in, you could dump it. And there was a database where we could access and see, well, I don't know how to build an app. So I took a course on Udemy and I got bored after a few minutes because I was working still.

Speaker A [00:04:48]:

And it's just I have a bunch of kids. It's hard to learn how to build an app when you're just already burnt out. So I didn't do that, but I had that in my mind, like, sorry, my dog's going to bark mailman. So I had in my head this app, but then I just dumped it out. The idea kind of left me. But then yesterday I was listening to a podcast, the Intuitive Hour, I believe, and the woman was saying that we're able to predict world events by just saying, world events, world events, world events in a meditation. And then world events will come into our mind. So then I was thinking, well, if that's true, that is an extremely powerful tool that we have that we're not accessing.

Speaker A [00:05:38]:

And that's a fun experiment that I could test out on my listeners. So what I've decided to do, and I'm going to put this in the show description, is another Google form. This is like, instead of building an app, this is what I'm doing. It as easy as possible. It's just a fun experiment. And so what the Google form is, is basically you do a meditation or if you have any dreams or whatever, but if you do a meditation where a world event comes in, this is a spot where you can dump that information. So save this link, put it on your phone, put it on your home screen or whatever, and whenever you have a download about a world event, you could dump it in here. And then I have it dated when you dumped it, it may or may not happen, but you put it out there and then I can keep track of if anything comes true.

Speaker A [00:06:34]:

And you can do it anonymously if you'd like. You don't have to, but if you want to remain anonymous, you can do that. But if you leave your email address, I will email you if the event ever comes up. And I've noticed so that's my little experiment there. I'm doing it for myself to because I've often had stuff come in my mind. Yesterday I had Russian sewer blockage, so I don't know what that is, but that's what came into my mind yesterday during a meditation. So things like that, they just come in and then I have nowhere to put them. So I want somewhere to put them where I can document that information.

Speaker A [00:07:14]:

So if you feel like letting me document your mind stuff, I'm here for you and I would love to hold that information. So that's one thing I wanted to talk about. Please do that. And I think at the end of this podcast, after I'm done my walking, I'm going to do a quick little meditation. I think I still haven't decided on that. Well, you'll see, if I decide to do a meditation at the end of the podcast, I will you know what, I will. I'm going to do a meditation at the end of the podcast where I walk you through to try to get you to retrieve some world events and then then boom, bada bing, bada boom. You have the link right there and you can add whatever world events come into your mind while you do the meditation.

Speaker A [00:08:01]:

Okay, so I won't leave you hanging. I'm going to do a meditation at the end. Okay. Okay, next topic. Okay. Allergies okay, this goes back to Grounding. So I have been working on Grounding myself, listen to the podcast, my previous podcast, you'll know that I'm doing a 30 day Grounding grounding challenge. I'm holding a crystal and I just threw it on the ground.

Speaker A [00:08:31]:

Oops, I'm doing a 30 day Grounding challenge where I go out and just put my feet in the grass or soil for at least six minutes a day. So two minute, but I'm doing it way more than that. So, like, spoiler alert if you're doing the challenge as well. I have been enjoying it so much that I just keep doing it. So whenever I feel often like the times when I normally go to the fridge to eat something stupid, I will go outside and put my feet in the grass instead and I feel much better. So I feel like I have a different type of creative energy currently and I owe that to Grounding and also fractal meditations, which I'll talk about later. But the Grounding, I had this moment when I was walking through the forest the other day. I had this flash.

Speaker A [00:09:25]:

You know when you get like a flash, like a memory, it's not visual for me because I'm not visual at all. But it's like this memory comes in and you're like, why is this coming in? And what's happened to me in the last six months to a year is I've become extremely good at making connections. So if a memory comes in, I'm like, I understand what the purpose of this memory is and what it is connecting to my being currently. Right? So I have this memory coming in. Why is this coming in and how does it affect me now? Right? That's what's coming in. So this memory comes in of this documentary I watched probably six years ago. My son and my daughter both have severe food allergies. And so as me being a detective, I really wanted to find out what was causing these food allergies.

Speaker A [00:10:18]:

And I did all this research. I thought maybe it was my blood sugar because I had gestational diabetes with my daughter. And my son was ten three. I didn't have gestational diabetes, but I was I guess they told me after that I was on the cusp. So I was worried that maybe it was something to do with the blood sugar or whatever. I was trying to solve the mystery of what caused my kids to have food allergies. And I watched this documentary. I have no clue what it was called, so sorry about that.

Speaker A [00:10:47]:

But I watched this documentary and it was talking about how kids in other countries, like third world countries, not North America, have way less food allergies. And in those countries those kids get dirty and they play in the dirt and they live in environments that are more like outdoors and that kind of thing. And it was really talking about the microbiome and how dirt and getting dirty and having it on your skin and in your mouth, even like the kids that put dirt in their mouth, that's actually good for you because it helps you build up your gut and all that stuff. So it was really talking about that. But as I was walking through the forest yesterday, it came in my head and I was like it made sense to me that it's not just about the microbiome, it's about everything. It's about these children. And pregnant people are not grounded and so their bodies don't remember what to do. We need to ground ourselves so our bodies remember what to do.

Speaker A [00:11:51]:

This whole documentary, the Earthing Project, I think it's called, it talked about how if you connect to the Earth, your body will start remembering. Like your metabolism will start working better. So if you've put on weight, say you started putting on weight when you're in your thirty s, and that just kept coming on, coming on, coming on, and you don't know why you ate the same your whole life. It's because your metabolism is like, I forget what to do. I forget what to do. If you connect to the Earth, your body starts remembering. It reduces inflammation, it regulates blood sugar, all of these things. And I just thought to myself, maybe these kids, all these kids who have allergies, there's so many of them.

Speaker A [00:12:35]:

It's, like, rampant. So my friend texted me this morning to talk to me about it's so weird, her kids in JK, and she walked down the hall and she said, every class has an anaphylactic thing on their door. She's like, It was never like this when we were kids. What changed? And then it was like, ding, ding, ding. Like the forest memory yesterday. And then I met a woman at my daughter's gymnastics whose daughter has the same condition, epilepsy as my son, as well as the same exact allergies. Anyways, it was just like one of these things that all these things were happening at once about this allergy thing and the grounding. And I'm wondering, I'm truly wondering, and I'll have to experiment on my children a bit because they have allergies.

Speaker A [00:13:18]:

Are we just not grounded? Are we just not connected to the Earth? And have our bodies just forgotten how to work properly, how to properly regulate, how to properly express itself, how to properly deal with toxins? Is it because we aren't connected? It's a theory. I don't know the answer. I am on day six of my grounding challenge, and I feel really good. And really especially when I'm outside, I feel alive. I had a really hard weekend, actually. It was I started the challenge, I think, on Wednesday. And so Saturday, Sunday, I had a killer headache. And I was trying to figure it out because I was still grounding.

Speaker A [00:14:02]:

I went for my morning walk and I went through the forest without shoes on, and I was grounding throughout the day. But then I would come inside and this headache was so strong, but it was, like, really strong when I was inside. And when I went outside, it was dull. And I was like, this is something, there's something to do with being inside, especially on the weekend. Everyone's home. I absolutely love my family, but when everyone is home, there is devices plugged in, there are people, there's one kid watching YouTube, there's another kid with three friends over screaming. There's a lot of noise and a lot of chaos. And when the chaos is outside, it's fine, but when the chaos is all congested into one space, it's like there's this full on energy that drains out of me.

Speaker A [00:14:45]:

And so, yeah, I felt really affected by it, and I felt like I had the need to go outside more often this weekend, and that really helped. I ended up doing some gardening on Sunday, and I feel like that really helped. Yeah. And I wore a different prayer sandals one day and I was like, oh, man, I just wish I could take these sandals off. I could just wear nothing. I feel like I'm going to have to be one of those people that gets those grounding sock things that you can wear because yeah, I feel like this is going to be in my future for sure. Okay, so that was the allergy component. Again, I don't know if there's anything to that.

Speaker A [00:15:24]:

In the Earthing documentary there was a woman, this is the other Earthing that kind of flashed into my head. There was this woman who had this kid who was super unsettled, would just cry all the time, colicky or whatever you call it, like a kid that won't settle. And that was my daughter Ophelia and my son. The two with the allergies, they were the ones that were hard to settle. And I think about my pregnancy and how ungrounded I was. I mean, I don't know why my middle child doesn't have allergies. She's super grounded, but I was just working all the time, not paying attention to the world around me. Not like going for hikes or spending time in the environment.

Speaker A [00:16:04]:

I was literally just working all the time. And then I gave birth to these children and they've struggled to be grounded. I don't know, there's something in it. Anyway, so this woman has this colicky baby and she was trying everything she world go for a drive, she'd go for walks in the stroller and nothing was working until she went and just started walking on the grass outside holding her baby. So she was walking, but her connection with the Earth, this is her theory made her baby stop crying. So she would walk on the earth. And then she started this whole barefoot journey where she would Earth every day, do earthing practices every day and brought her baby in on it. And it was like this incredible shift and yeah, the baby was grounded and whatever.

Speaker A [00:16:53]:

I don't remember the end of the story. But the point was sometimes these fussy babies, maybe they're just disconnected from the earth's energy and we need to reconnect that. Again, it's a theory. I feel this podcast and this new adventure I'm on is all about exploring different theories and experimenting on myself and experimenting on other people. But I'm kind of a lazy scientist. So full disclosure, I do have no idea. That is not even a sentence. And if I was a podcast like editor, I would edit that out, but I'm not going to.

Speaker A [00:17:40]:

When I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do next, I've been working in marketing, sales design for my whole life. I worked in magazine publishing and book publishing, educational publishing, a lot of publishing, but there's a lot of marketing involved in my job and grounding and all that stuff. I've been working in that industry for forever and I was super burnt out and I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do next. And I was like, I really want to do research. I want to research all this stuff. How do you become a researcher? Do I have to go back to university? What do I have to do? And I am a mom of four, and I have a mortgage. I can't just drop everything. So then I was like, you know what? Why can't I just do my own research? Why can't I be my own scientist? Yes.

Speaker A [00:18:33]:

And you know what? I'm going to be a little bit of a lazy scientist because I don't need to get published. I don't care about that. I care about learning new things. And hey, maybe my study, the research that I do, will inspire researchers at our university to do a study. The steps I'm taking and the experiments that I'm doing might have an effect on someone else in the future. So I'm just going to go with it. I don't care if I'm not in university. I don't care if I'm doing it properly.

Speaker A [00:19:02]:

I'm going to just do my own research. So if you want to be a part of that, hop on. Also, if you're into this podcast and you're like, hey, Robin, really like what you're putting out there, send me an email. And if you're like, hey, Robin, I really like what you're putting out there, and I can help you in some way for free. Hey, I'm for that, too. I'm like doing this on my own. And I love it. I love every bit of it.

Speaker A [00:19:26]:

It's so much fun. But if you feel passionate about this too, and you want to help out in some way, I'm all for collaboration and bartering and stuff, too. I can offer help with stuff or whatever. Anyway, my email is Rofocreative@gmail.com. I'm just throwing that out there. Just you never know. I'm all about making connections with people all around the world, and that's actually one of the most beautiful things about this podcast, is that I have made connections with lots of people. And it is like, every time I get an email from someone, I feel like this magical spark.

Speaker A [00:20:02]:

It's such a good feeling. So why is my dog barking? Sorry? My dog. Of course she's barking. Someone's walking by in a stroller. She loves eating babies. I'm just kidding. She just doesn't like people walking by her house. So what was the next thing? She got me out of the flow there.

Speaker A [00:20:27]:

So I just got to look at my notes here to kind of reconnect. Oh, my gosh. Can you hear that? Like, you're going to answer me? Um OOH. I wanted to talk about fractal meditations. I don't think I talked about this on here before, but I think that doing fractal meditations combined with this grounding is giving me superpowers. Not to say I have superpowers, but seriously, I feel I am someone who always has a zillion ideas. Like, a zillion ideas. I have, like, idea 700, 460,000 million bazillion in my notebook.

Speaker A [00:21:18]:

I stopped numbering them. I'm just kidding. But I do that with my friend, like, we have ideas. And I say this idea and I put a zillion like a ridiculous number because there's so many ideas. I have so many ideas. But the thing I lack is inspired will have. I've had several full books downloaded into my head, several full movies, several. Like, I had a musical that was pink and then it was like a musical with pink and macklemore and it had all these songs that were all mushed together and it was this fucking awesome musical, kind of like really super bright, like Joseph, but more pastel colors.

Speaker A [00:21:58]:

Anyways, I had this whole thing in my head. But the thing is, I lack the inspired action because I'm so busy and so burnt out and whatever or have been. I feel like in the last three days I've been doing my grounding practices, really taking the time for myself to do this. And I go out there sometimes I listen to my friends voice notes while I'm grounding and sometimes I just listen to the nature and just appreciate everything around me. Because if you just stand in nature, you will be like, abundance is literally everywhere. Look at a field of grass and you can't deny that there's abundance everywhere. So where's I going with that? Fractal meditation, right? So I've been doing these fractal meditation and I've been grounding and I've been having these insane ideas, all these crazy ideas. But what I have in my body is like this buzzing and it's like pushing me to actually do stuff.

Speaker A [00:23:09]:

It's more inspired action. So I had this whole idea. I've been humming and hawing about writing a book. I mean, I worked in publishing for 20 years, so why haven't I not written a book? I had every opportunity to do I'm an excellent writer, I could do it. I have so many ideas, but I haven't sat down and just done it yet. I've have probably three or four books with two chapters written. And why not just finish it? So I have the idea, but the inspired action is lacking. And I think that's like a pretty normal characteristic for people with ADHD.

Speaker A [00:23:46]:

You get really excited about something and then it kind of fades. So I probably shouldn't even be talking about this day three. But what is happening to me currently is these ideas. I'm having this body buzz push to take inspired action. Like today I was like, I have to record a podcast. There's no if, ands or buts about it. I'm recording it. I'm doing this and I'm inspired to do other things.

Speaker A [00:24:16]:

And on Monday or Tuesday, whatever day it is, today Wednesday. So Monday I woke up and I was like, I'm writing my book today. And I was like, fully going to write my whole book. But I wrote six chapters and it was like, what came to me, and this is advice for anyone out there trying to write a book, who's struggling, who has this major idea in their head, but they can't write it out. Like, they sit on the computer and you get stuck. Try this exercise. Because it was like something blew up in my mind that was like, why didn't I think of this before? But honestly, there's so many dots that had to connect for me to get to this stage. Anyway.

Speaker A [00:25:01]:

Holy crap. Another person walked by my house and my dog's going crazy. Oh, my God. Okay, so what I did listen to this. This is incredible. Okay, so I first of all, you have to get comfortable with your throat chakra to be able to do this. But I am. I'm a talking I don't know.

Speaker A [00:25:39]:

I was going to say MoPo there, but I don't know if that's appropriate anymore. That was like my go to when I was 17. Yeah, I like to talk. I'm a gabber. I'm a gabber. I love talking to my friends. I love talking about deep things. I'm not a circus talker.

Speaker A [00:25:55]:

I'm like, let's get weird. Let's get real. Let's talk about death. Let's talk about the afterlife. Let's talk about the universe. Let's talk about what meditation works for you. I like getting deep with people. I really do.

Speaker A [00:26:17]:

Where the hell am I going? What am I talking about? People? It's so true. I love to get deep on people. I'm just going to keep talking in a call until it comes back. So, yeah, I like to get deep with people, man, I hate when I lose it. Guys hate when I lose it. We'll come back, though. Oh, the writing. Oh, fuck.

Speaker A [00:26:39]:

Thanks. It's so important to I'm so glad you stayed with me because this is so important. Okay, so I talk all the time. If you listen to this and you don't talk all the time, start practicing, and then you're going to become this person who's like, oh, I can talk. My thoughts are incoherent right now. I feel like what I decided to do because I've become so used to and so comfortable speaking my words. I have an aversion to my computer currently because of just burnout. Literally every time I go to sit on my computer, I feel like I want to push it away.

Speaker A [00:27:27]:

And I have this aversion. So I'm like, how do I overcome this? I don't want to sit on my computer. Even writing emails, I get tired. I really like speaking. I love emails, though, from people. I'm just not the best at responding immediately because I don't look at my phone all the time. I find it so overwhelming. I always put it away, and I really try to disconnect.

Speaker A [00:27:51]:

Holy fuck, I'm going on a rampage. Okay, so what I did was I have this idea for a book about affantation and combining science, spirituality, all this stuff, all the stuff I talk about on this podcast, really, but in a book and more formatted and more in depth. So I was like, how do I even make a book outline? And I just started walking in the circle and I talked about all the things that I'd want to talk about, and I just rambled and rambled and rambled and rambled and rambled and rambled. And then I brought it into my podcast transcriber. So if you don't have a podcast transcriber, there's like, free transcription services online or pay for one, but you upload your audio file, it transcribes it for you. And then this is the beauty part. And I know people are against AI and whatever. What I'm against, not against what I'm for is my life being easier.

Speaker A [00:28:56]:

So what I did was I plopped it into chat GPT. I said, hey, chat GPT, how was your weekend? I hope you're doing great because I'm super nice to AI because you never know. And I'm also just nice to everyone. And you know what, these people, these Chat GPT guys are like, super helpful, so you got to be nice to them. So I write out a whole thank you for being awesome, Chat GPT, can you help me with this project? I say I want to make a bookline out of this mess. Basically, like, I take the words I had in my voice note. That was just me rambling for a good, like, 20 minutes, and maybe not 20 minutes, but like ten minutes at least. And it helped me format a book outline.

Speaker A [00:29:41]:

And then from there, I took each chapter. And I only got six chapters done just because of time restraints. I had to get my kids from school. But I took the headline and the sub headline and made a few points or whatever, and then I would just talk. I would talk it out and I did the same thing after. I would talk for like 15 minutes, then I would bring it into the transcriber, then I would bring it into Chat GPT to clean it up, to take away all the uz and the likes and stuff. Chat GPT can literally do anything, so I would say, can you help me clean this up? So it's still my words, but the Chat GPT is just like, taking it and making sure the grammar is right and making sure there's no like because I say like, or like lip smacks or whatever. I mean, it doesn't record that.

Speaker A [00:30:32]:

But all those little flaws I have in my speaking takes all that stuff out and my voice is still there. So I just was blown away. The process was so easy and I was flowing, so much creative flowing. I mean, it was just like laser rockets coming out of my mouth. It was amazing. So if you're struggling with a book, try talking honestly. Even if you aren't comfortable with your throat chakra, try to get comfortable and just start talking because you never know what will come out of your mouth. It's pretty amazing.

Speaker A [00:31:14]:

I've also had talking. With friends as we share our dream experiences. I often will start talking about a dream experience and I'll be like, I don't really remember much of this dream, but I'll start with like, oh, I was walking down the hallway and blah, blah, blah. And all of a sudden other things from the dream will start coming out through me talking. It's like the memory comes out as I speak, so nobody talks. If you really think about it, you get on TikTok maybe and talk a bit, but unless you're sending long voice notes to your friends or talking on a podcast like I'm doing right now, how often do you just talk without stopping? Legit never, right? So try doing it. Just try doing it for yourself. We used to do this in writer's craft class when I was in high school.

Speaker A [00:32:03]:

We used to do like write for three minutes or whatever nonstop. You have to just keep writing and just see what comes out. And something would usually form, usually be like, la la la, I can't think of anything to write. Oh, wait, I started thinking about this. And then you start writing something, right? So the same thing with talking. Like if you can start talking and what I've realized in the last six months since I've started these voice notes, it's probably been longer than that now. Actually a year, maybe more than that. Honestly, it's changed my life.

Speaker A [00:32:35]:

And every person that I share voice notes with says the same thing. It's like, oh my gosh, being able to speak just authentically and without restraint, just being able to speak without stopping, it's very liberating and it's very freeing. And it also helps you process things in a different way that you didn't even know you should be doing. So highly recommend. Just talking, talk. Send yourself, record yourself a voice note on your phone and then listen back and see if anything comes up. Sometimes if you listen to your own voice after, you'll be like, you could talk about a problem you have and just talk, talk about it and then listen back to it and you might come up with a solution for yourself like you were talking to a friend. It's an incredible tool that I think that nobody uses.

Speaker A [00:33:26]:

And especially if you're trying to develop your intuitive abilities, being able to just talk freely or write freely, like channeling. If you're going to try automatic writing, it's similar thing, right? You start writing and you just get into a meditative state and write. Write and see what comes out. And it's often like really profound stuff and it's kind of for me anyways, a lot of the stuff I write is not written in a language that I would typically speak. Like it's English, but the words are more like, I don't know, proper or just different than my language, right? Like the way I speak. So it's really interesting and I find that it's the same thing for not really the same. Like I don't change my voice when I start talking, but things will flow out of me and I often feel like it comes out and then I get to a point where I go, what was I talking about? I go completely blank because all of that information wasn't me. It was like coming through something else into me.

Speaker A [00:34:33]:

That's what it feels like. It truly feels like that. And I think that we all have the opportunity to feel that if we just tried. So I am sure there's people, other podcast listeners, like podcast. Podcasters can confirm this with me and I know everyone I talk to on my voice notes feels the same. They're like these tangents. It's like the tangents you get into, they can solve every problem. You can go on a tangent and be like, I don't even remember what I said, but I'm going to send this anyways.

Speaker A [00:35:06]:

And then the friend that receives it is like, whoa, I needed to hear that. Or something comes of it. There's something in that tangent that you don't even know. Those moments where you don't even know where it came from. And it's just like there. That's where the magic happens. So that's like so much intuitive information that we're just not even accessing. Let me just look at my note and just make sure I talked about everything I wanted to.

Speaker A [00:35:31]:

I went on a couple of tangents there allergies body, not knowing what to do. That was about grounding. Yeah. So I don't know if I circled back on the fractal meditation and the grounding. I feel like the practice of using both has been really beneficial for me. The fractal meditations, I'm not sure if I explained what they are, but if you go on Google, there's some on TikTok. Like if you just search them and just stare at it, it's like it takes a shape and then it repeats that shape in a weird way that makes your mind think it knows what's coming next, but it never does. So it tricks your mind in this weird hypnotic way.

Speaker A [00:36:13]:

So you start watching it and your brain starts trying to predict things, but it can't. And then you see weird things and I feel like it's really cool, especially for someone who has aphantasia, who can't be guided visually in a meditation. But I can definitely watch something. The only downfall to these are I think, like I hate being on a screen for very long, so sitting there watching something is not what I typically want to do. But I'm really loving them and honestly, five minutes of them, I get into that zone. So it's pretty cool. I definitely highly recommend trying it. If you have a Gaia membership, I should really become an affiliate there because I talk about them a lot.

Speaker A [00:37:05]:

If you have a Gaia membership, there is a whole meditation series on fractal meditations and they are amazing. They're so good. That's how I was introduced to. Definitely. Definitely. Highly recommend. So I feel like the fractal meditation in combination. So the fractal meditations, I feel like, are giving me these massive ideas or like massive I keep getting downloads.

Speaker A [00:37:28]:

Like, again, like the world events thing, it's another reason why I wanted to start this world events. And the world events can be like disasters, anything. It could be like Mariah Carey died. That's not really I guess it's a world event. I don't know, but any sort of random prediction or random scene that plays out in your head that you can't make sense of, you can just throw it up there. It's just going to be an Excel document on my computer with a date and the thing, so I can see if anything happens in the future, keep track of it. Just a fun experiment. So I feel like the fractal meditations are helping me with more creative ideas.

Speaker A [00:38:08]:

And then I feel like the grounding is helping me take more inspired action because my body is remembering what it's supposed to do. And my body and my mind and my soul knows it's supposed to be like helping people and speaking my truth, being authentic, helping people live their truths, and helping other people be more authentic and helping other people find their soul's purpose. I really think that's part of who I am at a core, is just helping people feel alive, feel connected, and also figure out why they have aphantasia, because that's another big part of my journey here. So I feel like that's probably it. But I did say I was going to walk you through a meditation, so I'm going to stop this and I'm going to record a meditation. I'm going to do it with some singing bowls. I know one of my last meditations I did singing bowls and some of them it can be a bit loud, so if you hear right away that it sounds loud, I would just turn your headphones down a little bit so it doesn't hurt your ears at all. I'm not a pro yet.

Speaker A [00:39:22]:

The other thing I wanted to say was you don't have to do this meditation, but if you want to do the world events thing, try these different things. Try walking in a circle and just thinking in your head, world events, world events, world events, world events. Or saying a mantra in your head, but say world events three times first and then walk around and see if anything comes up. Or do it in the shower. World events, world events, world events. See if anything comes up. Or yeah, it doesn't have to be you say world events, but this last podcast I listened to said that if you do that, it'll come up and I kind of want to see but you can add anything you want to my Excel sheet, any sort of predictions that have come to you. And no pressure to be right.

Speaker A [00:40:06]:

It's just like a place to drop your shit. So I hope you take advantage of that. Again, it's a Google form in the show description and okay, I'm going to stop and do my meditation. I hope you enjoyed this episode. And you can stop here if you're like walking and you don't want to do a meditation, although you can probably do it walking, that's probably as loud as it's going to get. So just so you are aware, you'll turn out to go louder than that. So if that sounds super loud on your mic, I would turn your mic down a bit. I'm not a sound pro yet, so I just wanted to put that in there in case you're laying down to do this.

Speaker A [00:40:55]:

And yeah, you don't want a big shocking noise in your heart. Okay. So I want you to try to get into a comfortable position, either laying down or sitting comfortably. I want you to be as comfortable as possible. This is not a meditation where you're like, oh, my back hurts. Just deal with it. I want you to be comfortable, so get comfortable and close your eyes. Let's get started.

Speaker A [00:41:21]:

I'm going to start by setting up my stuff here. Sorry, I should have been more prepared. Okay, I'm going to start by getting you to take five cleansing breaths. And what I mean by that is I'm going to get you to breathe in for a count of four, and then we're going to hold for four. And then we're going to release for four. We're going to keep doing that. We're going to do it for five times. I'll walk you through it and then I'm going to start the meditation.

Speaker A [00:41:54]:

It's just a way of kind of calming our body and mind and we'll go from there. So breathe in, two, three, four. World, two, three, four. Exhale, two, three, four. Inhale, two, three, four. Hold, two, three, four. Release, two, three, four. Okay, and now I know a lot of you listening have aphantasia so you can't visualize.

Speaker A [00:43:20]:

What I want you to do is anytime you have a thought come into your head, I want you to acknowledge that thought. But I want you to think about what it would be like if that thought could just float away from your brain. Have that thought just float away like a red balloon. And what I want you to try to conceptualize is, what would it be like if you could open up your mind, take off the skull, and have access to all the information in the universe? What if you could turn off your mind to turn on your mind, what if there was a switch where you could access all the information about everything and everyone by just turning on this switch? Just think about what that would be like and just follow the sound of this bowl. Every imperfection that happens helps your mind understand that patterns are meant to be broken. Now what I want you to do is with the idea of your mind being open. I want you to think the words world events. I want you to say that in your head three times if you can.

Speaker A [00:45:27]:

And if not, just listen to me saying it. World events. World events. World events. And now I just want you to keep listening to the sound. Try to follow it. Try to understand what the disruptions mean. Let them go ahead.

Speaker A [00:46:11]:

Memory thought. Any thought comes into your mind about your life currently. Try to let it go. Try to just let it float up into the sky. Acknowledge it first, but let it go. Memory comes up. Try your best to make a connection to how it affects you currently. But just let it be and then let it go.

Speaker A [00:46:49]:

Perhaps a memory comes up that seems out of the ordinary. Write it down if you can. Or try to make a mental note, but keep following the sound of the singing. Bowl it any events come into your mind, anything at all. Try to make note of it so you can remember them later. But also release them so you can keep going. You just keep following the sound and ram sam sam ram. Events.

Speaker A [00:49:53]:

Remember, you're dumping any thoughts that come in that are just your ego, mind talking and ram. Okay, I hope you enjoyed that. Feel free to try a different meditation and still fill me in. If you get any world events coming through in your meditation practices, I'd love to hear from you, even if they sound ridiculous. You never know. So I would love for you to participate in my little meditation experiment. So check out the Google form and I hope you enjoy this and I hope you have a great day.

Episode 24: Finding Balance through Cycles: Tapping into the Wisdom of Nature and Lunar Phases


Episode 22: The Root Chakra Revolution: How Grounding Transforms Mental and Physical Well-being