Heartfelt Ramblings: Navigating Spiritual Conversations and Meaningful Signs in Everyday Life

Welcome to another episode of Aphantasia Experiments, where our journey today takes us through an intimate exploration of inspiration, personal growth, and the profound impact of serendipity in our lives. Join Robin, our host, as she shares a candid recording from the road, delving into thoughts stirred by the teachings of Dr. Wayne Dyer and her own poignant experiences.

In this episode, Robin reflects on the essence of speaking from the heart without strict plans, a practice that has resonated deeply with her and her listeners. She discusses the importance of individual consciousness over collective mentality, drawing lessons from history and personal anecdotes about navigating life authentically and courageously.

Expect a mix of spiritual musings, touching stories of posthumous connections, and the unexpected comfort found in signs from beyond. Whether it's dealing with the loss of a loved one or recognizing the signs they send us, Robin's stories offer a comforting reminder of the enduring bonds that transcend physical existence.

As we venture through this heartfelt episode, Robin's reflections provide not just solace but also a call to embrace our inner voice and the subtle guidances of life. So tune in, let the authenticity of this dialogue touch you, and may you find a piece of wisdom that resonates with your path.

Remember: Life’s messiness is part of our shared human experience, and there’s beauty and learning to be found in embracing it fully.

Robin [00:00:01]:

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Aphantasia Experiments. I almost forgot the name of my podcaster because I am recording this on my phone as I drive in stop and go traffic, and I realized as I press record that was distracting to me, that my recording is 111, like the recording number is 111. Random angel number. So what am I gonna talk about today? You know, I feel just inspired to just throw something out there. I am currently reading a book by Wayne Dyer, Doctor. Wayne Dyer. He has so many books, so many lectures mind whatnot out there. He is just a wealth of wisdom, and I find a lot of the stuff that he's saying in this book extremely, inspirational and also validating to, you know, my experiences podcasting in particular.

Robin [00:01:04]:

At one point in this book actually, you know what? Honestly, I don't know if it's in this book or if it was in Elektra. I just listened to it. It. I do this. I double book. I double read people sometimes. I'll read 2 things at once. Anyway, so I've been listening to a lecture from him.

Robin [00:01:17]:

So was it from this or from the book? I don't know, But I'm reading a book called I Can See Clearly Now. That's what it's called, but there's so many he has so many books that are so great. But he was talking about how when he does these lectures, he used to put on these lectures that, like, 20 people would come, and it would be $20, And then those people told people, and then it turned into 60 people, and then those people turned in 1200 people, and then blah blah bada bing bada boom. He's, like, a best selling author, and there's, like, a ton of synchronicities that kind of led him to to be who he is and who he no longer is. I mean, he's no longer with us, but he has impacted people, and will continue to impact people beyond his life for for many, many, many years to come, and the ripple effect of his, like, teachings will be around for centuries. So, he's pretty incredible. But the thing that he was saying about when he does these lectures when he did these lectures was he wouldn't have anything, like, written down. He might have a topic or something, but he would just go in with the intention, like, the good intention, like, the heart led intention of, like, helping people.

Robin [00:02:31]:

So the things that and you can tell in his in the lecture that I was listening to, he goes on, like, random tangents, and I'm like, holy crap. That's exactly what I do. I I tell stories, and I go on tangents, and I'm not saying this is not what I'm saying. I'm not saying I'm Wayne Dyer or anything like that, but I think there's some value in just speaking from your heart. Things come out. You don't always have to plan it. But if you know that you're speaking from your heart, that that, passion and that, intention can reach lots of people. So, every time I get an email from someone saying, oh, you said this, and it touched me in this way or whatever or, that validated experience for me or, oh my gosh, the synchronicity happened or whatever, I always think, okay.

Robin [00:03:20]:

I I am having an effect on people. This is this is big. This is awesome. And and my philosophy going into this was, like, if I can reach one person, if I can say something that helps one person, then, you know, my life has meaning. You know? And I've never not thought that my life had meaning, but, so every every time I hear from someone, it makes me feel good. Mind, and and when Wayne Dyer said that, I was like, This is what I've been doing. This is what I love is to just speak about what I've learned mind, see if anyone else feels it too. You know? So he's talking about, in this book, the the detriment? Not the word.

Robin [00:04:19]:

I don't think that's the word. How terrible things can happen if we kind of live in this group mentality. Basically, if you just go along with the way the world is going and just, like, fall in line, you know, like a soldier, just go and and do what you think is the right thing, like, what society thinks is normal. If we all just did that, and we all just, like, blindly followed rules and blindly followed, I mean, shit can happen. And he talks about World War 2 and the holocaust and how he went so he ended up living in Germany, and he felt, like, compelled to, like, figure it out and learn about, you know, the Holocaust because this wasn't that long ago. And he so he was explaining that he was born on the day that World War 2 started, and so we felt this, like he felt compelled to to understand and learn about, you know, what happened during those times. So we went and talked to different people from Germany, and they just everyone just was like we just went along because it was like we were told. It was the rule.

Robin [00:05:34]:

It was like people were just blindly going because of fear, And all these people were living in fear and blindly just accepting that this was what they had to do, and nobody stood up for anything because everybody was living in this, like, group mind mentality. And so it's so important that we have our individual thoughts. Like, we all have our own consciousness and our own brain, and I think that we are all connected. There's a deep connection, like strings that connect us, but I think we have our unique own minds for a reason, and that we need to, like, always tap into that and always, like, listen to our heart and mind and not just, like, blindly, you know, follow rules, especially when we when we know in our soul that they aren't right, you know? Do you really think that all of those German soldiers who, like, blindly went along with stuff, do you really think each one of them was like, yeah, I wanna kill kill people, children, you know? There's no way, and I'm sure that they were traumatized for years years lifetimes afterwards, but you know, when you're scared, you know, when you're acting out of fear mind it's like millions of people are acting this way, they're all coming together and acting the same way, it's hard to to steer off from that. But it's a scary thing to think about that that people when they forget or they stop using their own minds how, you know, how awful things can really happen. So this is my message to you, to encourage you to tap into your own consciousness and your own higher self and higher power because there are messages, there are guide there's guidance that is waiting to come to you that that you just need to to listen to and detach from that group mentality. So that's that's what I'm getting from this book. I hope I hope it's not too annoying.

Robin [00:07:45]:

My audio here, I am driving in traffic, and it is raining. So if you hear a pitter patcher, that is why. What else did I have to say? This it's it's it's a very interesting book, and I'm just gonna tell a couple stories about some stuff that's been going on with me. So I think I've mentioned on the podcast that in at the beginning of the year at the beginning of the fall, so like school year, my father-in-law passed away, and we developed a really nice relationship and bond especially talking about spiritual stuff. We talked about, you know, crossing over and what that might look like, and, he struggled with, you know, a lot of stuff. I think that a lot of people struggle at the end of end of life, and, there was a lot of stuff that he was unsure about that I I helped mind of guide him through and and whatnot, and he told me before he passed that he was planning on visiting me and communicating with me after he after he crossed. He had a very deep belief that, spiritually that he would be able to do that mind and that I was the person that he would be able to communicate with because I'm open, and this is a whole other topic being open. So the week after he passed, there was so much stuff that happened.

Robin [00:09:26]:

I'll get into some of it. So I was having lots of dreams about him. I had a lot of like, a lot of times I would do meditations, and he would come through, and I could feel him. And there was one point, and I was relaying all this stuff to my husband who was not very, not very spiritual, but he was coming through so strongly that I couldn't not communicate with my husband. And and if you're in a situation, I think that this happens a lot that people are in relationships, especially when you're going through, like, your own, like, spiritual awakening, and you're in a relationship with a partner who isn't going through the same thing you are. I mean how lucky would that be that you go through the same sort of awakening together or you realize you have the same profound realization at the same time? It doesn't happen always, right? So my husband hasn't been spiritual at all, hasn't really leaned into any of that stuff. He's just mind watched me from a distance, like, completely change mind not even change, like, just lean into stuff that I already knew. And, like, I feel like I had these massive moments where I just couldn't continue to live like a sheep anymore.

Robin [00:10:38]:

I couldn't continue to like fall in mind, you know? I just couldn't do it anymore, and, so I made some major life decisions and changes with his support, but not the same like not not a spiritual support system. Right? So so where I'm getting at with this was I had all this information coming in from his dad, but my my husband is not really that big of a believer, you know, but he did witness my father-in-law tell me to my face I'm coming to you. So in the week months following his death, when his dad would come to me, I felt like I had to communicate that to my husband even though it felt extremely, extremely uncomfortable. So what I did was, I think the first night after his death, I told him about the dream I had where he was he was, telling me that he was experiencing all the things that he hadn't experienced in life because of his debilitating anxiety. He had some brain injuries, and he wasn't able to leave the house much. He was a he was, what's it called? Not a hypochondriac. Not a hermit, but, like, he couldn't he just his he had hit his head, and his brain injury was so bad that noises and people and everything was just so hard when he left the house. So he he didn't leave the house a lot, And so in this dream, he showed me he, like, flashed me through all these things that he missed in the last, like, 10 years of his life, and he showed me that he was able to, like, reexperience those experiences.

Robin [00:12:08]:

And so in I woke up in the morning, and I told my husband, and I could tell that that me sharing that with him, it helped. And it was hard for me because I was like, he's gonna think I'm crazy. This is insane. It's like he died yesterday. Like, this is a lot blah blah blah, but it helps. Mind, but then after I had so much more stuff come in, so much more, his dad was so strong, and I felt really I just I love my husband, and we're so close, but for some reason this situation was so uncomfortable for me to share what I was getting from his dad. So what I did was I know I've talked about this many times before. I voice note all the time.

Robin [00:13:01]:

Right? I I I text with friends, and and that's how we have conversations instead of getting on the phone and having a conversation because it's hard with timing and schedules and whatever. We just send voice notes, and there's sometimes they're 5 minutes. Sometimes they're 15 minutes, but we send voice notes and then respond whenever. So I was like, you know what? I'm gonna do that with my husband because then I don't have to look at his face and his reaction because it makes him uncomfortable too. He wants to hear it, but he doesn't know how to react or, you know, he doesn't know how to smile. He does I can tell it makes him uncomfortable, and he doesn't know how to react. So I would have these crazy dreams or meditative experiences where his dad was coming in so strong and so loud, and I will I would wake up, and and I wouldn't even tell my husband. He I would wait till he went off to work, and then I would send him a voice note and be like, this is what came through for me.

Robin [00:13:56]:

I'm just gonna say it, and, you know, we can talk about it later if you want, but this is what, came to me. So I would ramble, and then that would be it, and I would leave it. And then he would come home, and sometimes he'd be like, oh, blah blah blah. Thanks for sharing that. But what what ended up happening was, and I didn't even know that he had done this, was he took all my voice notes, and he relayed it to his mom who, I didn't feel comfortable sharing this stuff with you because she was so deep in the grieving process, and you just never know who's gonna believe you or whatever. And mind, but it really helped her a lot too. So, I'm sharing this with you just because sometimes the things that sometimes we wanna share things with people, but it feels uncomfortable and hard. But I feel like all you have to do is try to find the best way to do it.

Robin [00:14:58]:

And do it only if you feel like it's coming right from your heart in that place of, like, caring, not like, oh, where else would it come from? Like, an ego ego driven place. Like, oh, I want to make a $1,000 being a psychic medium so I'm gonna make up a story about whatever. I have no idea why you would do that, but if you have information coming in into you and you feel you need to share it, just find a way that you feel the person can receive it best and, like, ask, do you wanna hear this? My husband, I knew he wanted to hear it, so I didn't feel like I had to ask that. But if it was, like, a random stranger, I'd be like, listen. I get a lot of information coming to me during meditations and dreams. I had some stuff come in about you. If you are interested, I could share it. If not, totally cool.

Robin [00:15:55]:

Whatever. You know? But finding, you know, the most comfortable way of doing it. Maybe maybe you have to, like, get over that barrier of that uncomfortableness. But for me in my situation with my husband, I feel like it was the best way of doing it because he was able to sit with it, and it didn't have to be a conversation. He could listen, absorb it, digest it, you know, share it with his mom if you wanted to, and that was that. So the reason I'm sharing this story is because yesterday I had a I drove up to a competition for my daughter. My daughter's a power tumbler, and we had a competition yesterday, the Ontario championships, and she, my mother-in-law came with me. My husband couldn't come because my other kids had other stuff going on and it was a long drive and it just didn't work out.

Robin [00:16:58]:

So I just went with my mother-in-law, and my mother-in-law, we were chatting on the way home, and I absolutely love when she brings up my father-in-law because I feel like it's an opportunity that we can like really connect in mind and talk about you know the afterlife and signs all this fun stuff that she's really, she's really into. Mind she feels comfortable talking to me about it after Kevin, like my husband, shared all the stuff I was getting, right? So she ended up writing down all the information I got. I don't even remember half of it because it was so much, but one of the things that I got from him was meatloaf. He came and he was like, like, I'm gonna, like, meatloaf is gonna be something like a sign for for you from me. It's gonna come in multiple ways but just pay attention to meatloaf. Mind I was like that's so weird And yesterday on my drive home my mother-in-law was talking about how She's been getting lots of signs from him, like, he had told us before he died that he would send the smell, burning leaves in the hall because that was like a a smell to him that was a positive memory and it provided him with camping and and whatnot mind so he said that that would be like his sign for us. So I every time I smell fire I'm like oh hi Jim you know like I I say hi and I know that he's he's there with me But he's come through in so many other ways. So my mother-in-law was telling me, you know, she's been talking to him, and she'll smell smoke because he's a smoker, and she'll hear random noises at 2 o'clock in the morning.

Robin [00:18:52]:

And she's like, is it him? And blah blah blah. I'm like, try talking mind try communicating and see what happens and blah blah blah. Anyways, we're having these this deep conversation about signs, and I told her I'm like because I got her the book Signs by Laura Lynn Jackson, which by the way, if you're grieving in any way and you want to have some sort of relationship going forward with a loved one who's lost, this book is a complete game changer. It I mean, I talk about about signs and stuff a lot on the podcast, but if you haven't read Laurel mind Jackson Signs, it is like one of my, hands down, my one of my favorite books. I've read it so many times. It's also one of the books that I give as a gift often, and it's it just changes everything. It changes how you have relationships with people after they die, and I think that if we knew if you knew that you could have that, that death itself wouldn't be as scary. You know, like your people have fear fears of dying, right? Because everybody dies mind it's scary, it's unknown, but if you knew that you could still have a relationship, you know, with your your family once you're gone, it just it it's a little it's less scary and less daunting, right? So I definitely definitely highly recommend that book.

Robin [00:20:13]:

So I gave it to my mother-in-law and she we were talking all about signs in the car mind I said said to her, I'm like, do you ever ask for a specific sign? Because I know like there's there's universal signs like cardinals and butterflies and hummingbirds and deer that are all kind of like these animals are on this electromagnetic field so they're they're able to easier easilier easier they're able to help like communicate with us and and you know if you're thinking about your loved one when you see a cardinal like that that is like a universal symbol right but but not everyone knows that you're you're capable of developing your own signs, and it can be anything. Like, it can be so random. So this is what my mother-in-law were talking about in the car on our drive home from the competition yesterday. By the way, my daughter got bronze. So no big deal. She's a big deal. But as we were talking about this, it's like it hits me I'm like holy sorry for the swear word but meatloaf is playing on the radio. And I said to her, I'm like, did Kevin tell you about Meatloaf? And she was like, oh my god.

Robin [00:21:29]:

Yes. I'm like, he's playing right now. That is insane. Like, we're talking about signs. He told me Milof was gonna be a sign. It was clearly him saying, like, yeah I'm here with you mind I was telling her too because my father-in-law didn't want to leave the house much. Not that he didn't want to but he didn't feel capable of it. He was a social he was a social man when he was well.

Robin [00:21:52]:

You know the life of the party mind then this all this stuff happened and he wasn't able to be that person anymore. So I said to her, I'm like, you know, it's hard have not having his physical body here, but I really believe that he was with us today mind you know at every competition mind every like meaningful event he's always there, and he wouldn't have been there. He wouldn't have been able to be there if he was still alive. He really wouldn't have because he couldn't leave the house right so and if he was still alive she would have been taking care of him and not been able to you know come to to these competitions with me and and, you know, we were, my daughter, was an alternate to go to this Eastern Canadian tumbling thing mind my mother-in-law was like all on board. She was ready to buy a ticket for Newfoundland and like go with us and if that had happened, you know, a year ago there's no way in hell she would have been able to come, right? So I think that, not that it's a blessing when he's gone, but I think that he, and I think this happens a lot, when people pass, you know, they're able to be there for us more than they could have been when they're sick and dying. Right? And if we can help can try to develop that relationship after they're gone, it's it's such a beautiful thing, and it can completely change your life. So, yeah, I think that's all I'm gonna talk about today. Is this is this a short podcast? I don't know.

Robin [00:23:30]:

I was stuck in traffic. I felt like I had to podcast. It's only 23 minutes, but I'm almost home. And it's the weekend, my kids are home, and, I'm not gonna be able to talk anymore, so I'm gonna end that here. I hope, this resonated with someone. I don't even really know what I talked about, but I was mind of channeling my Wayne Dyer because Wayne Dyer just comes on, talks through his heart, sees what's hap sees what happens, and that's what I did in this episode. Legit nothing about aphantasia. Sorry about that, but, I will I'm gonna talk more about reiki and stuff about that later.

Robin [00:24:04]:

Actually, I had a conversation with a friend about reiki and intuitive healing just this morning, And, because I I keep wanting to do this experiment where we do reiki and intuitive healing and see if there's any difference. But my I I really feel in my heart that energy is like a universal thing. Right? Like, whatever you call energy healing, if it's Reiki, if it's intuitive healing, it's just energy healing. We are all made up of energy, and the healing process can look different but also have the same impact. So we can call it different things, mind, you know, and energy can be healed in multiple ways. So energy can heal heal the song, energy can be healed with sound. Energy can be healed with touch. Energy can be healed with intention.

Robin [00:24:58]:

Energy can be filled can be healed with, you know, visualization, which is hard when you have aphantasia. But I think that the intention of, like so you had a tumor in your stomach, the intention of, like, you know, dissipating that tumor or, like, learning the root cause of that tumor, whatever, it's the intention, and there's a multitude. A multitude? Like a bunch of different ways that you can go about treating that, and the other side to that is, we die at various stages in our life, and you know, sometimes you get cancer at 34, and it sounds like, it's an unfair thing, you know, but, you know, sometimes that's our soul's journey mind that the impact of our the the death of a loved one or or the sickness of a loved one is actually what propels us forward in life to do other things or to change things or to have a different perspective. And if you go into if you, you know, if someone, you know, dies at a young age or suffers from something, it just it's part of our our souls our souls journey as hard as that is. And if you know or you if you have the knowingness, which I have the knowingness now, which makes life a it it makes life easier to deal with because that happens all the time mind and struggle happens all the time. But if you have the knowingness that life continues and that it's a journey of learning and growth, you know, this life, the next life, our souls' evolution, then and that's sorry, Mickey. And that our relationships with people's, the souls that we meet in this lifetime, continue after death. It makes the blow of losing people a little less.

Robin [00:27:08]:

It doesn't go away completely. It just helps a little bit mind then and that you can continue a relationship and continue communicating and, loving and receiving love, especially receiving love from our loved ones who are gone after, you know, they've passed. So that's my that's my ramble. So, yeah, I hope you enjoyed this podcast. Thank you for coming. Coming? You didn't come. Thank you for showing up. Thank you for listening.

Robin [00:27:43]:

That's probably the thing to say. Thank you for listening. And, if you feel like reaching out, my email address is rofocreative@gmail.com. Stay tuned for for more more inspirational wisdom, and, yeah, maybe next time I'll talk more about Athanasia. Have a great rest of your day mind life. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.


A Solar Eclipse Day: Drawing Love and Hate, Surreal Experiences, and Emotional Revelations