Episode 06: Unusual Guided Meditation Exercise For People With Aphantasia


If you have difficulty visualizing, or aphantasia, this meditation may help you develop the ability to visualize. Through the use of bright lights and other techniques, this meditation aims to help people with aphantasia develop the ability to visualize.  I found out I wasn't able to visualize last year, and fell into a bit of a depression. I wanted the ability so bad, and knowing that other people could just make things appear in their brain made me feel so totally JEALOUS.   Now I'm trying to develop ways to train my brain via brain mapping, to be able to visualize. After my first attempt describing what I was seeing with my eyes closed I saw a very distinct blue star, now I believe I have the ability I just need to train and develop it. Try this meditation if you are curious about your own ability to visualize!


Episode 07: Aphantasia Questions: Exploring How Our Brains Share Thoughts


Episode 05: Exploring Aphantasia Through Signs and Experiments