Episode 07: Aphantasia Questions: Exploring How Our Brains Share Thoughts


Meet Robin, the driving force behind this unique podcast and YouTube channel. Join her as she opens up her mind, sharing her thoughts, experiences, and questions with the world. Delve into the intriguing world of Aphantasia, a condition where the mind's eye remains closed, and discover how it has shaped her perception and creativity. As a seeker of spiritual knowledge, Robin unravels the secrets of consciousness and explores unique ways to tap into her inner creativity, all while navigating life with Aphantasia. Join the conversation, share your stories, and become a part of this enlightening journey.


Speaker A:

Hi, everyone. Nice to meet you. My name is Robin. I start this podcast slash YouTube channel just as a way of kinda getting all the stuff that's in my mind off, my mind off, and into the abyss. that note, I have appendice last year, and it's just kind of been burly bugging me. And, I've been wanting to figure out how to visualize and how to hear things and smell things and all the things, like, The fact that other people can do it is like right? I'm sure if you've recently found out that you have Avantasia, you probably have a similar story. I'd love to hear from you if that's the case. there's a link below where you can leave messages for me, and I can hear your story.

Speaker A:

I would love to hear from you. I'm gonna tell you all about my story and all those things in another video or like throughout time, but today I wanted to talk about something that just kinda popped into my mind today. So a little backstory about me. I'm fairly spiritual. Like, I love learning about consciousness and near death experiences and that kind of thing. It's kinda random, but, also I've gotten really into doing like tarot readings and stuff. and I have a friend that I do it with. And when she does the tarot reading, she'll do the cards and then just start talking and it, like, comes out of her.

Speaker A:

It's like it's like she's channeling. and for me, it works in a totally different way. Whereas I get the information, so I'll do the tarot reading and I'll flip the cards and everything goes into my mind, but expressing the words out loud is like next to impossible. So, I recently I thought that maybe it was because of my Aventasia I don't remember things as well as she does, but I think it's more like the processing of the words from my brain because I have it up here. I know what it means. but like the processing isn't happening. and so when I originally thought it was because of the imagery in how it's like too complex or whatever, maybe it's hard for me to remember. I made these I made my own set of dice, they're like taro dice kind of.

Speaker A:

They eat they have these little Cymbals on them. And now that's what I do for my instead of doing them while I still do tarot, but often, like, throughout the day, I'll, like, ask myself a question and I'll pull a dice and I'll be like, okay, this. that's the tornado. and I know exactly what it means in my head. It's like, I have this I can pull 3 or like roll 3 and, like, immediately I know. I'm like, okay, this is what this means. anyways, I was just sending a voice note to my friend. I did a dice reading for her and I was I was like, wow, this dice reading so good in my head.

Speaker A:

I'm like, it makes complete sense. Like, everything that I'm thinking but then trying to say it is like really hard. It's hard to find the words. And I'm wondering if other people with Afantasia have that problem where they think they have this like thing like, a full download in their brain of how things are and how things will be, or, a description of something, an idea but actually forming the words to explain yourself is difficult. I'm just wondering if that's the case for other people with Avantasia? I'm just curious. so if you have this problem, I don't know, please let me know. comment below or send me a voice note. I'd love to hear from you.

Speaker A:

I just I wanna hear from other people who are like me who whose brains work a little bit differently. and more on the communication side of things. So I've always been a listener. Like, I listen to people. I'm always listening to people's stories or people vent to me, but I'm the person that people come to about problem with their problems and stuff. I've always been a great listener. I take things in. but I don't think I've ever been that much of a talker.

Speaker A:

and maybe that's why I have trouble, like, taking what's in my brain and saying what's out, like saying it outwardly. so I think that doing this podcast and doing this YouTube channel is gonna help me. another thing that I started doing just very recently, like, in the last week. If you watched my other YouTube video that I have up right now. I'm doing this meditation where I say out loud what I see in my brain. So like I see the light and I I'm describing the blob or whatever. but I started doing this on my drives too. so as I'm driving, I will describe everything I see.

Speaker A:

So, like, it's snowy. I mean, Canada it's all snowy right now. I'm driving down the road. I'm noticing that the snow goes from right to, like, gray to brown. It's dirty snow on the side. Like, I notice every sign, all the trees, so I'm describing all of these things. And then, at nighttime, I've been trying to paint what I've seen. and I'm really bad at painting or drawing without having a visual in front of me, like really really bad.

Speaker A:

I'm an artist. Like, I can draw. I just need something to look at. so that my challenge has been to try to draw something that I saw, and it's I'm getting I wouldn't say, like, I'm gonna sell my art, but by saying the things out loud that I see, it stores it in my brain in a different way. So, like, I will remember the angles of objects or things, because I've said it out loud. so anyways, if you have Adventasia and you're an artist, maybe this is something you can try, just like I know it makes you sound like a bit of a crazy person. If someone who's watching you and you're just like, talking to yourself, but try talking to yourself. or try making a podcast and just talking.

Speaker A:

Throw it into the abyss. I feel like it's helping me learn how to communicate what's in my brain a bit better because I think there's a lot of amazing ideas that I can't get across without actually communicating them. So, and for me see, I I'm a rambler, if you can tell, I I'm just gonna rambler here. for me, I'm much better at writing things. I feel like it takes up a different part of my brain. And for me, you know, people say like journal, do it hand written journal. For me, like, if I'm on a computer, I learned my homero keys when I was like 5, so it's like an extension of me. I'm able to just type it goes whatever's in my brain flows naturally, it's just there's a disconnect from my brain to communicating.

Speaker A:

So I'm just curious if anyone else has had this issue. I don't know if it's an issue or just like a different way of being I feel like it's something that I can definitely improve on with practice, like anything. I'm really hoping to practice my way into being able to visualize. I saw blue star ones, so that I'm holding on to that. the first time I did my activity, I saw a Bluestar, and I was, like, pretty blown away by that. So I'm just gonna keep tracking with this and see what happens, and I wanna hear all the stories from you guys. I wanna if you've done an experiment that worked for you, if I just wanna hear from you. Please, please, please send me a message.

Speaker A:

I love this stuff. I'm so passionate about it. And, I look forward to hearing from you. And I hope that you follow along to see where I'm at and what what I can tell you, a new research, and the experiences I have with trying to develop my own inner stuff. and I I should mention that I think I am, like, a full, fantastic person. Like, there's different, a lot of people can't visualize. I can't visualize, but I also can't like recall smells or sounds or What are the other things? Smells sounds. I can feel things pretty deeply.

Speaker A:

Like, I can tell immediately, and I don't know if this is tell me if you have this, but, I can, like Okay. I gotta cut off because I have ADHD, and I have 40,000,000 things on my phone, but, like, tell me if I have fantastic people keep a lot of email I don't know. that might just be ADHD. I don't know. But, anyways, what I was saying before was I can feel things very deeply and I can sense things for people. And I don't know if that's an effin. Well, my husband has Afinha and he's like does not at all. So I know it's not purely, like all Afghan people with Adventasia, can sense other people's motions, but I wonder if, like, because I don't have the ability to have all this stuff going on in my brain where I'm visualizing and imagining things, if I'm just like more attuned to like the vibes of other people.

Speaker A:

So tell me how you feel about that. I'm curious. if when someone walks in the room, can you immediately tell if they're angry or upset or like some if their dog died? Like that that's what I can sense like immediately. And it's not just about like, so I'm just like walking and being like I mean, anyone can tell when someone angry and like showing it. But like when someone's like keeping it together, but you can still sense that. I I have that. anyways, a couple questions for you. I'm wondering, can you are you able to take what's in your brain, the thoughts, the ideas and like communicate them easily? Is it come is it pull out easily for you or is that difficult? also Can you sense other people's feelings? quickly? Like, are you a good read on people.

Speaker A:

and yeah, share anything else you wanna tell me about your experience with Avantasia. I'm just curious and I love learning. I love learning about what's going on in people's minds. this is like a total passion for me, like, just it's it it's just really exciting and interesting and I believe I'll be able to figure this out and and my mind do that the magical things that other people's minds can do. So, yeah, follow along. send me a message. There's a link below you can send me a voice note, or you can just comment. yeah, reach out.


Episode 08: Aphantasia and Drawing from Memory: Exploring False Memories, SDAM and Deja Vue


Episode 06: Unusual Guided Meditation Exercise For People With Aphantasia