Episode 05: Exploring Aphantasia Through Signs and Experiments


In this episode, I discuss how I found out I had Aphantasia and how it has affected my mental health. Aphantasia is a neurological condition in which a person is not able to visualize in their mind's eye. When I found out, my first thought was "other people can do this?" My mind was flooded with questions about how much life would be different if I too could experience life with the ability to form mental images. I felt a deep sense of sadness, as if I had been robbed of something important. I was also deeply jealous of people who could hold on to vivid and lasting visual memories, while I could not.

Follow along on my journey as I learn to cope with my confusing feelings around my Aphantasia while learning how to trust my intuition, and also how to podcast.


Episode 06: Unusual Guided Meditation Exercise For People With Aphantasia


Episode 04: My Aphantasia Journey: How Discovering My Brain Without Imagination Affected My Mental Health