Madame Blavatsky and the Spiritual Quest: Scrutiny and Legacy
Astral travel, OBE, Reincarnation Robin Forsyth Astral travel, OBE, Reincarnation Robin Forsyth

Madame Blavatsky and the Spiritual Quest: Scrutiny and Legacy

Explore the intriguing life of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a key proponent of Theosophy. Delve into her controversial yet impactful legacy, her profound teachings in 'The Secret Doctrine,' and the connection with experiences like those of Hugh G. Calloway's astral explorations. Discover the enduring quest for spiritual understanding beyond the material world.

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George S. Patton: A Historical Figure’s Dance with Destiny and Reincarnation
Reincarnation, Past lives Robin Forsyth Reincarnation, Past lives Robin Forsyth

George S. Patton: A Historical Figure’s Dance with Destiny and Reincarnation

Uncover the fascinating aspect of George S. Patton's life where his belief in reincarnation intersects with his military career. Explore how Patton's conviction in past lives shaped his understanding of history and strategy, and delve into the intriguing incidents that reinforce his belief, including his profound connection to Roman history.

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