Unstoppable Light

The world needs you here to connect,
To serve and share your light.
So many souls are struggling,
Seeking their inner sight.

You hold the wisdom deep within,
To guide them on their way.
Though you doubt your own value,
Your worth is clear as day.

You are more valuable than the air,
For you are the air itself.
Flowing through the trees,
Bringing change and heartfelt health.

You are unstoppable,
A force of love and grace.
Send your light out to the world,
Feel the warmth in its embrace.

You can shift the light and energy,
Transforming moods and vibes.
Even the ants upon the ground,
Feel your love as it thrives.

No one deserves to be without light,
Your radiance can heal.
Shine brightly, touch the world,
With a love that's deeply real.


Endless Hues


Two Sides