Endless Hues

I am one with the universe,
We are all one, the same.
Step out of material desires,
And see the divine flame.

The rainbow was your gift,
You deserve its endless hues.
See the beauty everywhere,
And believe in what you choose.

Don’t stop believing in your power,
To do great things and shine.
Stay within your sacred zone,
Your path, your life, divine.

You are chosen to help others,
To guide and light their way.
Build a community of like minds,
In love and light, you’ll stay.

Focus on what you love,
Create space for joy and grace.
Fear does not exist here,
In love, find your place.

Say yes to fear,
Say yes to love,
Say yes, yes, yes,
To the light from above.

You are strong and capable,
A problem solver, wise.
You will grow a loving tribe,
With love that never dies.

A tribe of spirit,
A tribe of love,
Thankful for guidance,
From the universe above.


Make Space For Me


Unstoppable Light