Raise Your Vibe

How can I raise my vibe each day,
To be the best version of myself in every way?
Hum and sing, let uplifting music play,
Sit in meditation, let creativity sway.

Read, write, let energy flow,
Like the sun warms the earth below.
Your energy, filtered through fingers and toes,
Onto paper, into the world, it glows.

Share your gift, don't let it lay dormant,
Dormancy is for contemplation, not torment.
Once inspired, let your energy flow,
It’s meant to guide, to help others grow.

Harness the light, understand its call,
It’s meant to unite, to bring warmth to all.
Don't lose your sense of intuition and grace,
This exercise serves to find your place.

Learn your skills to guide and inspire,
Many follow you, their hearts afire.
You’ll be appreciated by scholars and more,
Changing the world, opening doors.

With one thought, you can make a change,
With your voice, the world will rearrange.
Raise your vibe, let your light shine through,
The world awaits the brilliance of you.


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