Unveiling the Bigger Picture

Suffering is not born of shame,
It serves a purpose, unknown, unnamed.
Our picture seen in fleeting light,
Reveals its truth in time's own sight.

In the moment, it’s hard to see,
But clarity comes eventually.
When we pull back through the years,
The bigger picture then appears.

Tar and water do not blend,
Not from dislike, but fear to mend.
Once mixed, they may not find their way,
Back to themselves, where they should stay.

Personification, absurd and wild,
Outrageous thoughts of heart beguiled.
Yet serendipitous acts we find,
Are not mere chance, but fate entwined.

Many see coincidence pure,
But every moment has a chore.
Nothing happens without a cause,
In life's grand plan, there are no flaws.

Our purpose forms as we advance,
Each step, each move, not left to chance.
Toward the bigger picture, we stride,
With purpose, fate, and love as guides.


Raise Your Vibe


Make Space For Me