Balancing Energy and Amplifying Intuition: Exploring the Magic of Tuning Forks in Reiki

Join host Robin on the Aphantasia Experiments podcast as she explores the power of tuning forks in her latest episode, 'Tuning Forks Add Light.' Discover how Robin incorporates these powerful tools into her Reiki sessions, clearing and balancing energy for profound healing experiences. From symbols and sensations to emotional releases, Robin shares her personal journey using tuning forks and crystals in sound healing. Dive deep into the world of energy work and learn how to protect yourself from negative entities while spreading love and light to everyone, even those who do bad things. Unlock the secrets of nature and find answers to life's questions with Robin as your trusted guide. Tune in to Aphantasia Experiments and let the magic of sound healing illuminate your path.


Robin [00:00:00]:

Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Aphantasia Experiments podcast. I am gonna be using my tuning forks again in this episode as I did in the last episode, about channeling. I'm not gonna call this channeling. I'm just gonna use my tuning tuning forks, see what comes up, and just talk my way through this podcast. And I wanted to also talk about, the last podcast, because I wanted to just Go back and talk about the importance of protecting yourself, and this is something that I've kind of learned over time the hard way, and I'm still honestly learning it. I had to be reminded of this. So before I started that episode, I cut off a bunch of stuff and I did. I was talking to myself and saying, you know, bring in my highest guides and my angels, and I have this whole spiel, and I change it up every time.

Robin [00:01:06]:

But I had this whole thing and I I like, I didn't put it in, but I should have put in the episode that it's important to to put some sort of protection on yourself so you're not you don't have any sort of dark entities attaching to you or whatever. I honestly don't know much about this, and it's something that I'm trying to learn as much as I can about because I've been given these These symbols in my dreams, and, I know a lot of it, A lot of it has to do with light versus dark and the importance of both. It's come up so many times for me, and I think that Dark isn't necessarily bad and that if we just ignore it, it's not necessarily a good thing that we need to actually, interact with the dark a bit. And I don't want that sounds like I'm saying go out and get with a bad boy and do something naughty. No. That's not what I'm saying at all. That is not what I'm saying at all. Please don't take that the wrong way.

Robin [00:02:19]:

But I think that there's these spirits, almost these negative Entities and attachments, and I don't think that they're there to Sorry, guys. I feel like All negativity, all darkness has the opportunity to be filled with light. And that's the thing that I'm like, I don't wanna ignore dark. You know? I wanna send light to dark. It doesn't have to be me, you know, Getting into a relationship with someone like Hitler, that's not what it is. It's about, like, sending light to these people so they fill up with light and can dissolve some of their darkness. People aren't necessarily going to be as bright as certain people, but their darkness can fade a bit over time with by adding light. Right? So I think that that's important.

Robin [00:03:25]:

There's always going to be dark, and dark helps you see light. But we can also fill darkness with light. You know? And shadows, they move. They move. They're not always in the same spot. One of the things that has helped me the most during my spiritual cracking open, It's continuously cracking open. Like, it's every day, something new is happening. Every day, new information is coming in.

Robin [00:04:05]:

But one of the greatest tools I've found whenever I'm struggling or I find myself questioning things is I just sit in nature or look at the clouds or look at the grass or look at a tree or look at the bark on a tree or the stems of a flower. And somehow, whatever problem I'm facing or whatever Global issues there are in the world, whatever plant life or nature Element I'm looking at somehow shows me a solution, whether it be, like, the bark and how it it Changes and crumbles and each side has different, like Oh my god. Sorry, guys. I'm totally losing this. I lost my train of thought. Sorry about nature. There's something about being in nature that when you're when you're struggling to to come up with a solution for something, Just looking at the life cycle of of nature and looking how looking at how things regrow and things are in patterns and how animals behave. Somehow nature Jure is able to provide these amazing solutions just by being present.

Robin [00:05:52]:

And if that doesn't make sense to you, next time you're can't Figure out what to say in a conversation or you've been in a fight with someone or you can't understand someone else's perspective or Try asking the question and then going for a walk through the forest without any headphones, without a podcast on, and see. Just observe nature and see what you find. See if there's any sort of solution to your to your problems in nature. I would love to hear. I I truly believe that nature provides so many answers, and We need to stop ignoring it and stop destroying it too. So this morning at my daughter's school my kids' school, actually, in my daughter's class. There was a girl that came up to me and told me she comes up to me often. One time, my daughter hurt her toe, and then on the Monday, I think I said this before already, she said she couldn't eat all weekend because she She kept thinking about my daughter's toe.

Robin [00:07:10]:

So she's clearly an empath, highly sensitive. Right? This morning, she came up to me and she said, Don't you hate it when people are nice to your face, but you can hear what they're saying in their mind and it's not nice? And I said, what do you mean? And she says, you know, like, Cameron over there, she says nice things, but then I can hear what she's saying in her mind, and it's not nice. And I'm like, okay. Can you explain that again? Like, do you Actually, hear her? Are you just thinking by her body language? She's like, no. I hear what she's saying. And I'm like, okay. But Do you I kept I just kept asking questions, but in a normal way to not make her feel crazy because I completely get it. And most people would have just, like, kind of not ignored what she said, but maybe just not fully understood understand what she was actually saying that she could read this girl's mind.

Robin [00:08:12]:

And I said to her I said, you know, That's an incredible gift that you have, but not everyone has that. So just understand that she thinks that those thoughts are private. She's not so try to just be around the people that are have loving thoughts and are nice thoughts. You know? And, yeah. So I think, honestly, I think that's why she comes to not to, like, toot my own horn, but I work really hard on not being judgmental and not and always, like, spreading as much love and light as I can to every person, not just people who are similar to me. You know? It's important to to send love to people who who you are not the same as because, sometimes that's who needs it the most. And by love, I mean, like, a vibrational love. It doesn't mean, like I don't know.

Robin [00:09:05]:

I can send love to someone and not, like, get abused because of it. You know? I'm not gonna put myself in a dangerous situation to give someone negative love. That I just I wanna get that point across because I don't want that to come across. Like, you should put yourself in danger as a lightworker. But I think that even people who do bad things, You can send a light and love energy to them because they're all people, and they're just in a different They're in a different soul transition than than you are than we are. You know? And everyone needs help and love and light. And and the more we can give of that, the better our whole planet would be, honestly. If we could all realize that we're all the same and the things that are going on are all around the world, it affects us all.

Robin [00:10:04]:

And We should care more about the whole of it than the individuality. I was walking the other day, and I was just walking by All the houses on my street and down my neighborhood, and I kept thinking, isn't it funny that we all just live in our boxes? And then this morning, I went to the grocery store and I had my headphones in. I'm listening to an amazing book. I'm crossing my fingers so I go back to that because I need to I I had my headphones in, which I don't normally do at the grocery store because I like to actually be in my surroundings, and experience my surroundings as much as possible. But I was so into this book, so I had my headphones in. And I was just thinking, I never have a conversations. This is not true, actually. I don't often have conversations with people in the grocery store.

Robin [00:10:59]:

I'm I'm, like, friendly. I smile at people. I say excuse me or whatever, but it's not like I stop in an aisle and shut people up. That being said, that has happened to me probably hundreds of times, but it's not something, that I actively seek out to do, and I find it's so weird that we go into these spaces and we walk around each other and we really don't even interact with Each other is like we're we're characters in a move or in a video game, and I don't know. Like, it's just it seems so odd to me. We're all so we're in the same place, but we're not even we don't even acknowledge other people's existence. We don't look people in the eye. And I try my hardest to look as many people in the eye as possible because I find, like, that, I don't know.

Robin [00:11:55]:

I like connecting to people in that way. And I try to smile too, but, yeah, It depends on the day. Right? So today, I'm there, and I'm thinking, this is so weird that we're all in this box, and we don't communicate. And most people have headphones, and everyone's head down, and and we're all just kinda doing tasks So not really living and not really connecting with other people. It's silly. K. So the book I'm reading So I say all that stuff, and I don't mean to be, like, preachy because I'm not because I'm the 1 in the grocery store with my headphones in walking around, not talking to people. I do love when someone random will, like, say something me to me at in an aisle, and I have a 5 minute conversation about, you know, pastry or something.

Robin [00:12:50]:

I love that kind of stuff. Life's made for that kind of stuff. But when I go to the grocery store, I don't really actively seek that out because I'm going to just get groceries. The book I'm reading. Sorry. I think It's called I don't have it written down. Soul's Boom. Soul Boom? Soul Boom.

Robin [00:13:16]:

It's by Rainn Wilson who's plays Dwight Schrute on The Office, which I love that show. And now that I know more about him, in the intro, it says, like it talks about he talks about why, You know, he is the right person to write the book. And I was at Indigo, which is the, like, Books big chain bookstore in Ontario, indigo and chapters. I was at indigo The other day, well, which was a whole experience too, ran into someone I hadn't seen in 10 years because I was called to go to Indigo and I when When I was at Indigo, I was looking for the body code or the energy code of the books because I'm doing Reiki and learning about energy. I gotta, like, tune tune myself. I'm going crazy here. I saw this book by Rain Wilson, and I and I was like, Rainn Wilson wrote a spiritual book. And immediately, I was like, yes.

Robin [00:14:20]:

That is going to be an amazing book, and I didn't I had no idea, like, his past, his history, whatever, but I was like, Dwayne Dwayne Shrut, not his character, but the person that played him, I don't know. Like, The whole thing, I could see it all play out, and I was like, I need to read this book and I need to read it, like, immediately. And the best way I take in information is reading via audiobook. I find I I like actually my favorite thing to do and and it's the absolute best when I can make this happen as I get the audiobook and the physical book. So last week at the library, I got 2 books and I got I was able to get them both at the library audiobook store so I didn't have to buy them. And I also got so it was basically 4 free books and I was able to read and listen at the same time, which is really good because a lot of, like, self help books and stuff I have, like, questionnaires or stuff in there. And when you're listening to the audiobook, you wanna have the physical copy to do that kind of stuff. Right? Anyways, I'm only a few chapters into, Rainn Wilson's book, but I highly recommend it.

Robin [00:15:34]:

I feel like he has such a similar View an attitude about life as I do, about the importance of human connection and How we really need just like a soul evolution, the soul boom. We need to, like, reconnect and understand Our individual importance, but our collective importance as well. This is me speaking, not Rainn Wilson, by the way. I'm not Taking this as an excerpt from this book. I just, like, really connected to the first couple chapters. And one of the cool things about this so I've talked about before how my sister's really into Star Trek and she's an atheist. She's super into Star Trek, though. Super duper duper to the point where I hate Star Trek because I was so overexposed to it as a child.

Robin [00:16:24]:

But in the book, Rainn Wilson Talks about how his 2 favorite shows as a kid were kung fu and star track and how in star track. So in kung fu, it's more about your personal spiritual revolution. And Star Trek is more about the global spiritual revolution and how mankind evolves to, like, you know, not have money anymore, not have greed anymore, not have the ego anymore, and how how we evolve as, like, a humanity. And when he put that When he said that, I was like, man, I need to watch Star Trek and get into it. And I thought, maybe my sister, even though she's Doesn't claim to be spiritual. Is, like, Star Trek spiritual? Do you know what I mean? She's learned these the same valuable lessons that you can learn from religion or spirituality, but in a different form. And I think that goes for a lot of things. My my husband's a football coach, for example.

Robin [00:17:25]:

He learns a lot about human behavior and coming together as a group and working together and facing diversity and adversity and all the stuff that a lot of you learn a lot through spiritual development as well. So, being part of something or watching something, if you connect to it and you learn valuable lessons, that can be your spirituality. Duality. And you don't have to call it Spirituality. You can call yourself a star a Star Trek fan, and that's cool too. So, Yeah. What else do I have to say? I have been doing Reiki and I'm loving it, and I can't wait to start offering it. I don't I so the way Reiki works is there's There's 3 levels.

Robin [00:18:20]:

You do Reiki 1, which is you can do in person Reiki, and that has been amazing for me. And then Reiki 2, which I don't fully understand. So I don't wanna talk too much about it is you can do distance reiki. And because I don't understand it, I mean, I understand the idea of sending energy to people, but for me, my Reiki experience in real life, I really like the physical touch part of it or at least being like being in your aura zone. So doing the distance seems kind of crazy to me, but It's because I don't understand it yet and I'm not there yet. And once I'm there, I feel like I'll be able to better explain it and then It won't be so crazy. So if you're like, Reiki seems crazy, well, you know what? The first step is just try it once and then see how you feel. And if you still think it's crazy, then You don't have to do it again, or you can learn more about it and understand that a lot of the things we do in life, it's our Perspective, that really makes a difference.

Robin [00:19:18]:

So, but I wanted to talk a bit about my Reiki experiences. So I've been using my friend as a guinea pig, which has been amazing. She is one of my best friends, and we talk about everything spiritual. It's been amazing having her in my life because for the last, Basically, 3 years, we've been going through this almost mirroring process where we go through similar themes in our lives and we're able to talk to each other about them and process through speaking to each other. And her problems help me and my problems help Her and she helps me solve stuff and I help her solve stuff and we connect on so many levels and it's beautiful and wonderful. Where was I going with that? Okay. So I'm doing Reiki on her. There we go.

Robin [00:20:09]:

That's where I was going with that. So I was telling her, I'm like, I I had this whole dream where my guide was telling me I'm a past life regression therapist. And I'm like, I'm supposed to help people connect to their past lives. So I took a course on Udemy and I was telling my friend, I'm like, can you be my guinea pig? It's just like, of course. I'm like, I'm gonna start with the Reiki and get comfortable with that, and then we'll move into the other stuff, but we should start, like, recording it. And because it's like it truly is an experiment. I always say, like, I love This is why I did aphantasia experiments because I love doing experiments on myself, like in social experiments on other people too. Social experiments with other people.

Robin [00:20:56]:

I should write that down. I have more to say on that. Watermelon seeds. Remember watermelon seeds? Watermelon seeds. Oh, cross my fingers. Go back to that. So my friend, I'm doing Reiki on her. I discover so the 1st week I do Reiki on her and it's just the healing touch and I go through in each kind of place that I put my hands.

Robin [00:21:19]:

I'm getting these different impressions. And when I say impressions, they're not visuals. They're like a stamp in my mind that I can't see. I don't know how to say it. Other than that, it's like it's something comes to my mind. So for example, I had I was at her head, and I and I had this hermit crab that was kinda going in and then going out and then going in and then going out. And it I had the feeling of the hermit crab being scared and and isolated, but also, like, scared to leave and then feeling naked and and wet and and cold and go going back. Like, I had this whole, like, thing play out, but nothing of it is visual.

Robin [00:21:59]:

So It's interesting. It really is. And this has been really interesting experience for me to Learn about how energy is transferred and imprints and all this stuff. It's very fascinating. So I was doing this on her the 1st day. I'm trying to remember. I I told her, I'm like, next time we finished the reiki, we need to press record as soon as it's done. So Once we talk about it, we get all that on we can make a whole podcast about it because the stuff that comes out is so fascinating.

Robin [00:22:33]:

So I had a bunch of imprints come up and then she and she pretty much validated all of them within the next couple days, which is a whole other thing. I think that with Reiki, I think that it would it would be really beneficial for people who do Reiki, and I might do this in the future to have some sort of, like, spiritual coaching element to it after because there's stuff that can come up after a Reiki treatment that it's nice to, like, Have guidance through that. I'm so blessed to have her in my life to be able to discuss those things with her without judgment, and not everyone has that, though. Right? So if you're getting a Reiki treatment and you're having these, like, profound Full developments, things happening, and you don't have anyone to talk to about it and it's stuck in your head or stuck in your body. Yeah. I feel like having your Reiki practitioner kinda there for you for the next, you know, week or whatever if you have any issues just to Follow-up with you would be good. Kinda like if you go on an Ayahuasca Ayahuasca? I can never say it right. Like, spiritual journey.

Robin [00:23:45]:

I've never been on 1, by the way. I've been asked that several times. It's not something I'm, like, against or for or against or whatever. I just haven't had the opportunity. I'd wanna do it. I wanna have it guided, and I wanna have it supervised, and I want a bunch of things. And I just wanna feel safe, but it's something that definitely interests me. But I was listening to something another podcast about that, and they were talking about how often people go for these spiritual retreats, and they have these amazing eye opening experiences, these Profound spiritual cracks, you know, that happen because they're open to this probably your pineal gland opening up or your pineal gland functioning properly.

Robin [00:24:33]:

I'm not sure entirely what happens to your brain. DMT wise, I think it's something to

Robin [00:24:39]:

do with the pineal gland. I think it's DMT.

Robin [00:24:41]:

Is that what it is? But sorry. Afterwards, when you've had these, like, Profound things happen and you don't have anyone to talk to about it. That can be very scary and very isolating. Isolating is a very good word. And honestly, if I hadn't had my friend who's going through something similar, I also have so many other amazing friends. But because I have this friend who's, like, on a Similar spiritual journey to me. It's I've been able to to work through that with her. But if I didn't have that, I would have a lot of probably stuck spiritual shit.

Robin [00:25:26]:

So, I don't know. It's something to think about. I don't know how I don't know if you're a Reiki practitioner or whatever, and you do this. But I I just I felt like it's important to have someone. So anyways, I did I did this Reiki on I went on such a tangent there. I I did this right here with my friend. And, The first time she told me she kept getting snakes in her vision. She was seeing lights.

Robin [00:25:56]:

And I felt when I was on her head, I could feel in her heart, like, going through her back, this This hole going through her heart and I was filling it and I was filling it with this energy, and she told me, like, when we went and talked about it, she was telling me that when I was on her head, she could feel this, like, Spark or heat, I think she said, going down her back. I forget exactly what she said, but she could feel that energy that I was sending to her. So it was so cool to talk about it. And then, of course, because we're best friends, we get to Just continue to talk about it. So if things keep coming up, I'll be like, oh, I forgot that I saw this, and she'll be like, oh my gosh. This this happened in my dream. And it's all it's When you have someone that you can really talk about this stuff with, it's incredible the things that you figure out. I feel like we're detectives, spiritual detectives.

Robin [00:26:49]:

It's wild and wonderful and amazing. So the 2nd time I did Reiki on her, which was just yesterday or the day before, We had a I had a lot of stuff come up. And then after, I I had the hermit crab on her head, and and then, like, as she was driving, Song came on. There was a hermit crab on the screen. I got plums at her feet, and then she looked back in her dream journal, and there was plums in there, and then it was connected to a message from her grandpa or something. I don't know. There there's so many, like I don't know. Every imprint, like, was we could make sense of.

Robin [00:27:30]:

And, the sensations were really cool. The what she to describe to me she was getting oh, so 1 at one point, I saw her hands were kinda looking uncomfortable like they were cold. So instead of doing the regular Reiki, what's it called, like, order. Sorry. I put my tank tuning fork down. My my mind is clearly not working. I I saw her hands moving in a way that I knew I just knew that she needed me to hold her hand. And so I held her hand and I felt this overwhelming, like, intense feeling like I needed to cry.

Robin [00:28:09]:

And I, like, put my head to the side, and I was, like, trying to I could feel it in my gut. Like, I could feel this sadness. It was so overwhelming, and I put the I put so this is a new practice I'm doing with the Reiki as I'm doing tuning forks with reiki with crystals, and rose quartz isn't is a crystal that is supposed to, help with providing unconditional love. So I was using this for her because it it kept come up for me in the the days previous, like the previous days leading up to this radicular treatment. I kept getting rose quartz and and the importance of it and and, it was just a reoccurring thing. So I had started using it in my own sound healing. So I brought this rose quartz. I I had this, like, sadness come over me, and then I put this rose quartz in her hand, and I pressed in it with the tuning fork that was activated like this, but I was using a lower frequency one.

Robin [00:29:06]:

So this one's a higher one. I don't know if you can hear. This is a lower one. So I use the lower one. So I have a set of 3 and I use the lower one when I'm doing the reiki because it does like a the vibration is just better. And I use the higher one to more clear the energy. So this is a medium one that I also use. Anyways, I have I so I took the rose quartz.

Robin [00:29:31]:

It was a small crystal, BDM crystal, I should say. And I put it in the palm of her hand and I activated the tuning fork and I put it I put the tuning fork end. So the ends that I have, You can place some some you can't put on the skin. So if you're getting your own tuning forks, just get the ones that have the thing if you wanna like the one that you can put on your skin. I'm not describing this properly. So I put it on her palm And I cupped her hand with my with like, I had my hand on hers and this tuning fork going and I just cupped her hands and I just kinda sat there for a few minutes until the sadness went away and, like, the energy just felt neutral. And she told me after that during that period, she was, like, going to cry. She felt like she was gonna cry.

Robin [00:30:19]:

And when I put the tuning fork on her, she started seeing 3 blue lights that came out of nowhere and they were there. And, she said that experience was really interesting, and, I wish I had, like I really wish I recorded it so I have it all because I'm not Gonna remember all of it. But she said she saw a lot of interesting lights during the experience. And at one point, like, she felt this Heat go down her spine. She had a lot of, like, physical hand sensations. And when I went to her other hand, It was electrical. It was like the one hand was so sad, and then the other hand was so electric. It was like this imbalance of energy.

Robin [00:30:59]:

So I was trying to take the energy from one hand and send it to the other. And then I got to her head, and that's where I got the hermit crab, and I did A lot of work there, and then I use the tuning forks all around her after to like, I did this assessment of our energy, and then I would take the tuning forks and kinda Move the energy around. It's like very it's very intuitive, but it feels very it's so it just comes so easily and naturally, and I know exactly what to do. It's so cool. And I think that because I'm working with with my friend. She's giving me the feedback that I need. Like, I need her. So she said at one point, this was uncomfortable.

Robin [00:31:40]:

I'm like, okay. Well, If I'm working with another client, I need to, like, explain that sometimes the energy moving through your body can be uncomfortable, and that's normal. And that, like, Thrashing or, like, releasing, being emotional, that's all okay. Like, having that kinda preemptive, like, warning almost, I think it's important for new clients to have, but I did so I did the Oh my god. I get I tune myself. Sorry, guys. So I'm doing this Reiki on her. And then at the end, I'm doing this Sound healing with the tuning forks.

Robin [00:32:20]:

I'm using all 3 of them, and I'm just feeling a lot of things. I'm feeling a lot of, like, energy move through her and a lot of emotions and just whatever. And then I I kinda wake her up out of it and we talk about it. And she was saying during the sound healing part oh, also I do I put, like, Different crystals on her body too, and I will press these these sounds into her so she gets the vibration. And through the crystal, it's like amplifying it so you're getting, like, more of the vibration, I guess, or the energy, I guess. I don't know. Through the crystal. So I'm doing this on her, and she said that during that point, she could see with her eyes open or with her eyes closed.

Robin [00:33:14]:

And it's a funny thing because I just watched that Roald Dahl thing, like, not the curious case of Henry sugar or something. That's not the title. It might be. I don't know. But it's something about Henry or Harry Sugar, and it's all about a guy who's trying to see with his eyes closed. And, I've had this experience several times where I've been able to see with my eyes closed. And so it just and I every time it happens, I'm like, this is weird. And then I, like, convince myself that it didn't happen, but then every time it does happen, and I'm like, okay.

Robin [00:33:50]:

Well, I'm not scared because this has happened before. So how can I make it happen all the time and that'd be a thing? That's where I'm at now instead of, like, being like, that can't have happened because it's happened so many times now. Each time I'm like, oh, yeah. It happened Happened last week when I was watching TV and I closed my eyes and I could still see the screen, but I wasn't I didn't have my eyes open. And then I had to, like, tell myself to Open my eyes. It's it's weird. Anyway, so she had this experience with the tuning forks. So I've been I, I've been working with the tuning forks a lot, and, I've been, like, trying to carry them around with me, and I just tune myself as often as possible.

Robin [00:34:35]:

I feel like that on top of the grounding really helps to keep me elevated. But Yesterday, I had about 25 minutes before I could pick my kids up from school, and and I had no desire to do any work or anything. And I was just feeling sleepy. So I was like, you know, let's do a a 20 minute meditation 25 minute meditation. And I was like, I don't feel like looking for 1 that takes 5 minutes to find a meditation sometimes. So Nobody's home in this house. It is quiet here. I'm going to do a silent meditation, which is really lovely sometimes.

Robin [00:35:15]:

So I sat there and I did a silent meditation and I've been sat there. I lied there. I lied down and I did a silent meditation. And in the silent meditation, I was getting first of all, I was able to bring up the frequency of my tuning forks, which was such a Interesting thing for me because with Aphantasia you with my Aphantasia anyways, I can't hear sounds. With my Intuitive psychic development, I've been able to hear some people's voices. But For the most part, I can't actually bring up sounds in my head. So I've talked about this before about like a dog barking. I can't bring up a dog barking.

Robin [00:35:58]:

It's more like a Hoof hoof in my head because it's like me making the sound in my own brain. But with the tuning forks, I was laying down and I was, you know, doing breathing exercises and stuff. And then all of a sudden, I heard, like, a vibration and I was able to take that vibration and change it. So I was able to make it vibrate higher and lower. And then I got to a point that I was like, I know this sound. It's the tuning fork sound, and I kept it there. And as I focused on that sound in my meditation, I started getting patterns in my my, vision. So I don't know what that means, re aphantasia, but I wanted to share that in case you're like, You know, you came to this podcast actually wanting to cure your aphantasia.

Robin [00:36:47]:

There might be something with the sound, but I know there's a difference between, like, bringing up visuals. So if someone says, hey, bring up a picture of a horse or a cow or a candy bar. Why would you it kinda looks like a turd. Why would you wanna bring up a candy bar? It's just Halloween here, so it's on my mind, I guess. If someone says bring up a picture in your mind and you can't do it, you say, okay. I have aphantasia. Right? But some people with aphantasia are able to unwillingly bring up imprints in They're had. Like, unwillingly so for example, this meditation, I wasn't thinking, hey, bring up sacred geometry in my mind.

Robin [00:37:40]:

It's just There. It's coming up. I'm not making it. It's appearing. It's like a stamp in my head and then it goes away. And then sometimes it's like a kaleidoscope of moving parts and then it goes away, but it's very, like, I'm not telling my brain to do this. There's no like, hey, bring up a horse. It's, Oh, that's cool.

Robin [00:38:01]:

There's a pattern there all of a sudden, and then it fades away. And I don't know. I feel like I wouldn't have ever Considered even thinking about this or wondering about it and wondering what it means. But because I know that I'm not able to bring up visuals in my mind, I find it really odd and intriguing and what does it mean? So if you have any insight on that, please let me know. I feel like it has to do with some sort of sacred This sacred geometry, sacred, it's just feels very enlightened to me. And I have talked about it, I think, on my last podcast or the one before, about how I've been getting a lot of signs and imagery in my dreams. So I've been I've been getting just simple imagery like the circle, the square, the triangle, the ladder, A teardrop, I think I got. The yin and yang, but it was a different kind of yin and yang, the spiral.

Robin [00:39:03]:

I've been getting all these different shapes and their meaning. And so when I see it in real life, I have this connection to these shapes, and I don't always really fully remember what they mean. But I know that they're so powerful and that each shape in life has its own, like, power to it, every symbol. Like, we don't realize how important symbols are in our lives. And so these patterns that keep coming in up in my life, I'm like, I keep wanting to try to, like, I wish I could just remember them so I could bring it up so I could draw it. Maybe I need to just try to draw it actually. Maybe that's it. I had in my head 2 years ago.

Robin [00:39:46]:

I think it was, like, right as I was taking my 1st leave from my job. I remember I got in my head 100 days of art, and I didn't do a 100 days. I did a lot. And in in those days, and I still actively do art now because of that, because of that whole Forcing myself to a 100 days of art, I did, like, 20 and then 5 and then 4, like, it was all over the because I have kids who get sick and I don't always have time to do art. But that practice has made me more creative and and may it makes me, like, desire and want to try new things and and it reminds me how much joy I get from painting or sculpting or whatever it is. I love I love it, and it and it Makes me feel good and whole, and it helps develop your intuition. My god. You you sit with a clay ball and and roll it out while listening to binaural beats.

Robin [00:40:41]:

You tell me that you don't become Sylvia Brown telling you. Maybe you don't. Maybe not everyone does, but, it's super meditative. It's super enlightening for me. And painting, like, I feel like that just, like, flows through me intuitively. And I don't Think I'm not thinking about what I'm gonna draw because I don't have anything in my mind. It's like coming out of me, the colors, everything. I feel like that's big for intuitive development if you can, like, get out a paintbrush or get some markers, start doodling, All that stuff, I swear it brings out something to me.

Robin [00:41:20]:

The one thing I wanna start doing, and I'm gonna do a whole podcast episode on the right brain versus the left brain because my husband is the opposite of me, but he also has appendasia, which gives us very unique perspective. It's not very it's not it's probably not a normal thing for someone to be in a relationship with someone else who has aphantasia but all but has completely Different characteristics, you know, like, he's the analytical. I'm like the emotional, intuitive, nurturing. He's, like, Structured and, organized. He is like a king and I'm a queen, and we come together, and it works harmoniously, but we're very different, and I could see aphantasia affecting people completely differently depending on what side of the brain you kinda relate to. I feel like if you're listening to this podcast, you likely are more right brained. I think that's the one that's like creative and intuitive and nurturing and and all the things I love about myself. You're probably not left brain.

Robin [00:42:44]:

People that are, like, highly organized and structured and or maybe you're someone who uses both sides of your brain, which are the wonderful we're Truly wonderful people, and that's kind of where I'm trying to head. I wanna be someone who uses both sides of the brain because my pineal gland is working and keeping them in sync. So one of the things that I wanna do is and again, I'm gonna do a whole thing on this. So I don't know why I'm talking about this. I'm going to do a blog post about this and I'm going to do a podcast episode about the left versus right brain and do a whole quiz as like an experiment for my listeners. So stay tuned for that. That's gonna be coming up soon. I think it's really important to know which side of your brain is more active.

Robin [00:43:30]:

And then when you can kinda realize that this is something that I'm working on for myself is you can try to develop the other side by using parts of your body that use that side of the brain. I don't know if that if it's gonna be anything. Again, it's an experiment. So I've had this thing since I was little where I've had, like, days where I'm like, today, I'm only allowed to use my left hand for everything. And I've it's like a flash that I keep getting, like, these experiments I've done As a kid, and I think I think that I I need to do more of that, like using my left hand for stuff and doing things with my body that is not the same thing I do every day, like different uncomfortable things because That helps your body and your brain not get hardened, and It keeps it flowing. So that's a goal for me. If anyone else wants to get on a left hand challenge, I'm not gonna say another challenge because I haven't even finished my last challenge. I'm going to since I have a website now, just full disclosure, this has been an evolution.

Robin [00:44:36]:

I just I quit my job when I started this podcast and I was like, what's next? Okay. I need a website. I have all these ideas for experiments that I want to run on people with aphantasia so I can get a better understanding and talk more about it and have this open dialogue as someone who has it. That's kind of my goal. And so with the website, I plan on having experiments actually on there that I can follow-up on and have this stuff. So I did this 30 day grounding challenge. I had a bunch of people sign up and I'm so thankful. And if you're still with me, thank thanks for sticking around, but I'm gonna actually make that part of the experiment and I'm going to, make it easier to keep track of and set some sort of system.

Robin [00:45:20]:

But as I mentioned before, I'm very right brained. So the left brained stuff where I'm organizing and doing all this stuff It's very difficult for me and hormonally, not to be like TMI. I'm 39. Yeah. I'm 39. I always forget my age. I know I'm not 40 yet. So I'm 39.

Robin [00:45:40]:

I'm going through this, like, phase where my cycle It's affecting me more than it did when I was in, like, my twenties or even early thirties. It's affecting me more, like, Certain days of the month, I'm so hyper organized. That's the days where I can do my entire closet. I can organize my kids' rooms. I can Write a bunch of newsletters. You know? Like, I'm super great, and I used to do all my royalty statements and stuff during that time when I worked in publishing. And then there's days where I can only be creative and there's days where I literally can only lay in bed and meditate. And that's not very, like, that doesn't really work with today's society and that's unfortunate.

Robin [00:46:27]:

And Somehow I'm making it work because I am able to do freelance work at home and and I'm very, very, very, very privileged in that way. But I wish more people had that opportunity. Honestly, I really do. I really wish that more people had the opportunity to to On the days where they feel like they can't get out of bed and they have to meditate, I wish that people were able to do that because those those days, You get so much insight and you realize so much. It's not about, like, being depressed and being in your bed. It's about those days, like, you Get filled up with more wisdom or you are able to process the wisdom that was filled up in you, you know, because it takes time to process things. You are getting all this enlightenment or whatever, and you feel this crash after. It's because your body is processing.

Robin [00:47:18]:

Your mind is processing. Everything's processing. Once you catch up and your soul's in alignment again, You feel wonderful and beautiful and vibrant and and whatever. And, yeah, the spiritual development Paired with, like, hormonal cycles is something. And I wish more people, you know, when you're in the cycle, If you sat with, you know, the hard moments and the hard things, you know, if you're PMSing and every every time you PMS, you Hate your husband, for example. If you don't, like, Talk to yourself during that period and be like, okay, what is it that I hate about my husband? And then address those things. It doesn't have to be when you're in the the shitty zone, but address them. You have a 28 day cycle every month, 30 day, whatever it is for whatever.

Robin [00:48:22]:

It might have cycles too. If you don't address the the shitty thing, it's gonna come up again. And we don't need to improve. We need to, like, address why it's bothering us. It's not even always about, like, saying, hey. Your socks aren't put away. That's bothering me. It's like, why is it bothering you? Why is it bothering you? 1st, Look at it look at yourself and then, have an open conversation that's not hurtful.

Robin [00:48:53]:

Right? I'd like to have conversations with people that help us evolve, but we have to come at it at a less judgmental Way, I guess. I don't know. Okay. That's 49 minutes 49 minutes, and I wasn't even sure what I was gonna talk about today. So I hope this podcast was okay. Not entirely sure what we talked about today, but I feel Some stuff was probably important for you in particular. If you haven't checked out my website, it is I am planning on getting content out there on The Daily.

Robin [00:49:38]:

There's a search button on there. You can search if there's a topic that, you are like, I wonder if she's ever talked talked about this. You can search, and I have my transcripts up there so you might be able to see, like, if there's anything that Sparks your interest. You can go search. There's a donate button if you want to contribute to my research. I'd love to get some tuning different tuning forks, And, there is also I offer spiritual like a spiritual tarot. It's more like a intuitive read. I do I use a lot of different cards, and I I've made my own dice for for spiritual readings, to have readings.

Robin [00:50:21]:

I'm offering that now now which comes with a voice note of the reading as well as a write up. And, yeah, you can listen to it at your leisure, and you can also, like, ask specific questions. That's that. And I'm also the the other thing that I think I said already was that I'm going to add on my website, experiments page. So if you have Aventasia and you're like, I want to be part of the development, like the experimental research, and I feel like every sort of research thing that I've participated in are the same questions. I I, as someone who has aphantasia, wanna ask the weird ass questions. So If you wanna get on a weird ass research panel, you know, thing thing. If you wanna get on a weird ass research panel, join my newsletter.

Robin [00:51:17]:

I have not put out a newsletter yet, but I'm gathering emails. And I want the people who are on this newsletter to, be part of this, Not change, but, like, realization, this unique realization that we're also Different and just to help us get a better understanding of our own and our own abilities whether intuitive or not, whether, You know, you have the ability to know exactly where everything is in your desk drawer even when you're hundreds of miles away. That's what my husband has. Or you talk to dead people. Like, what is your cool ability? We are all different. Right? This is what I wanna kinda come to realize is that I I just want, like, a place where we can dump all the uniqueness and experiment on each other. And so anyways, Bottom line, I'm adding an experiment page where I'm whatever random experiment comes to me at 3 o'clock in the morning, I'm gonna put it up there. If you wanna participate, participate.

Robin [00:52:18]:

If you don't, Don't, but do it anyways because who doesn't wanna be part of an experiment? Probably a lot of people ask the mice. Do they wanna be part of their the experiments? I don't know. You think that mice have consciousness? You Think the other animals have consciousness? Think about it. Think about think about that long and hard. I think that everything has consciousness, even ant even plants. Definitely plants, not even plants. Something to think about. Anyways, I was gonna end this podcast, but then, That thought kinda came into my mind.

Robin [00:52:56]:

Something to ponder on. Please reach out to me at No. That's not it. Rofocreative That's my email address. If you wanna talk to me about consciousness, tell me what your thoughts are about If other animals and creatures and insects and beings and plants have consciousness, I'd love to hear what you think about that. I would love to hear if you have any fun experiments that you want me to add to the website.

Robin [00:53:25]:

I feel like We all have unique minds and sometimes other people are up at 3 o'clock in the morning thinking, hey, I wonder if this is what caused aphantasia. I have no platform to ask that on. Oh, I do know Robin from aphantasia experiments. She might put that on our website. I would totally do that. So just reach out. I am such an open book, and I just wanna learn and grow alongside with you. I hope you enjoyed this podcast episode.

Robin [00:53:51]:

Please reach out if you have any concerns or just wanna send me some love. Also, if you wanna rate and review the podcast, that helps. And, Yeah. I really love The support I've been getting from you guys and, I just wanted to say a quick thank you, and I hope you enjoyed this episode. So I will talk to you. You know you know what I'm doing right now? This I'm looking at the number on my podcast. I'm like, it is 54 minutes. I cannot leave it at 54 minutes.

Robin [00:54:30]:

I just can't do it. It's just not in me to leave it at 54 minutes. So I'm waiting till it gets to 55 minutes. Is that OCD? Is it, or is it just that I like really clean numbers? I like the way it looks. Oh, That was at 5444. Oh my gosh. I'm gonna you can stop Here, you absolutely do not have to listen to the rest of this because all I'm gonna do is talk until it's at 55 minutes. Not even kidding.

Robin [00:54:59]:

55 minutes. Oh, 55 minutes. But you know what? Now I need to now I need to wait till it's 55 minutes and 55 seconds. No. I don't. Do I? Guys, do I? What do you think? How about you just listen to this deep meditation while we end this episode? I'm doing tuning forks on you You are being deeply meditated Meditated, that's not a word, is it? Meditated? If I opened a store or a clinic called Charged, would you come do it if you were in Burlington, Ontario? We offer Reiki services, and you can charge your crystals and get charged with energy. I think it's a good idea. I'm almost at 55 seconds.

Robin [00:55:48]:

I hope you guys have a wonderful day. Thank you so much for listening. Goodbye.

Unlocking Potential: Tarot Readings, Aphantasia, and Accessing Different Parts of the Brain


The Power of Tuning Forks: Opening the Gateway to Aphantasia Channeling