Aphantasia Experiments

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Unlocking Intuition and Aphantasia: A Personal Journey

In this blog post, I'll take you on a journey through my experiences with aphantasia and share some extraordinary moments related to intuition, psychic development, and meditation.

Understanding My Aphantasia

Aphantasia, the inability to form mental images, is something I've grappled with for a long time. When I first discovered I had aphantasia, I posed a simple question to my Facebook community: "If I say 'picture an elephant,' what do you see?" The responses varied, but it was my conversation with a friend that shed light on the true extent of aphantasia's impact.

Aphantasia's Broader Effects

My friend who knew about my aphantasia was discussing it with someone else and realized the broader implications. It's not just about visualizing objects; aphantasia affects all sensory aspects. I can't hear a familiar voice, see a face, or recall a smell. However, I excel at remembering feelings, and I believe that's my superpower. Aphantasia might make my senses different, but it amplifies my empathy and intuition.

Differences in Perception

Everyone's mind works differently, and my husband also has aphantasia. But our strengths differ. He has an excellent memory and can organize like a pro, whereas I'm more creative and intuitive. Our differences complement each other, highlighting the beauty of diversity in relationships.

Learning to Embrace Uniqueness

The key lesson here is that I don't have to be good at everything. I've learned to embrace my strengths and, when I need help with something I'm not great at, I turn to those who excel in that area. It's the variety of personalities and abilities that make our world work.

Letting Go to Let More In

I recently quit my toxic job, and the freedom from work stress has been transformative. It opened up my psychic abilities and made me realize that sometimes, you have to let something go to allow something new and better to enter your life. It's a reminder that if you're struggling, consider shedding some burdens to create space for growth.

Meditation for Connecting to Source

While on a recent trip, I stumbled upon a meditation technique that truly opened my mind to Source. It involves simultaneously repeating a mantra and picturing your chakras' energy centers opening. Even with aphantasia, it's possible to experience profound insights and connections using this method.

The Spiritual Connection

As I've delved deeper into spirituality, I've noticed my psychic experiences becoming more profound. I wonder if many people with aphantasia had psychic experiences as children that they subsequently suppressed. Could these experiences be linked to aphantasia? It's a thought worth exploring.

Stay Connected

If you're a fellow aphantasiac with a passion for spirituality and psychic development, I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out to me at rofocreative@gmail.com. I'm always eager to connect with like-minded individuals.


This blog has been a bit all over the place, but I hope you found these insights valuable. If you have any questions or specific topics you'd like me to cover, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your support is greatly appreciated, and I wish you a fantastic day filled with newfound insights and connections.