The Power of Grounding: Connecting with Nature and Inner Wisdom

Author's Note: The following content was originally recorded in a podcast episode and has been transcribed into this blog post.

Hey there, folks! I know I've been a bit absent lately, and I want to apologize for that. Life has been a whirlwind, and I've been feeling like a pot about to overflow. But today, I want to talk to you about something that's had a profound impact on my life - grounding.

Now, I've talked about grounding on my podcast, and I've been on a wild journey these past few weeks. So, here's the scoop:

The grounding practice has been absolutely magical for me. I can talk about it for hours, and I will in a follow-up episode. However, I need to create a questionnaire to wrap up the grounding challenge properly. Things have been intense lately, and it has pushed me into a different space.

The Magic of Grounding

Grounding is a practice I've come to cherish, and it's made a significant difference in my life. In the past month, my intuition, psychic development, and mediumship abilities have undergone a transformation. It all began with grounding.

When I started grounding, I became more in tune with my soul. I felt like the Earth was speaking to me through me, reminding me of what brings me joy, my purpose, and how to hold space for others. It's like all my chakras aligned when I stepped into my garden. Grounding can have a profound impact on your life.

The Nighttime Forest Walk

Now, I'm in Canada, and it's getting chilly as we approach the end of October. I used to take long walks through the forest, but now it's pitch black outside in the early morning. However, I've discovered that nighttime forest walks can be incredibly transformative. I've been walking through the dark forest, which can be a bit scary. But remember, most animals are more scared of us than we are of them. They won't attack you; they want to avoid you. Walking through a forest at night, without any artificial light or distractions, can help you become more aware of your senses and intuition.

Touching the Tap

Hey Abby

I've also integrated grounding into my daily life, even when I can't go outside. I've learned that simply touching the tap in my bathroom can help ground me. This is now a part of my daily mindfulness routine, and it's become a meaningful practice for me.

Walking Through the Darkness

When you walk through a pitch-black forest, your senses are heightened. You become aware of your surroundings in a way you've never experienced before. It's almost like you're developing a heightened sense of body awareness, and for someone like me with aphantasia, it's an interesting shift.

I've started walking through the dark forest every morning, and it's like a meditation in itself. I become incredibly attuned to my surroundings, and my body senses everything. It's both exhilarating and a bit scary, but I believe it's helping me enhance my intuition and inner guidance.

The Wisdom of Trees

I'm currently reading a book called "The Hidden Life of Trees" by Peter Wohlleben, and it's opening my eyes to the intelligence of trees and their communication with the world around them. Trees have so much wisdom, and we often underestimate the profound impact nature can have on us. They're like ancient beings, silently guiding us if we're willing to listen.

Science and Spirituality

I'm passionate about bridging the gap between science and spirituality. It's not an "either-or" situation; it's about understanding how they coexist. Science and spirituality complement each other, and I believe that this understanding is part of my life's purpose.

In a way, we're all on a journey to figure things out, learn, and grow. I'm thankful for the books that come into my life just when I need them, and I love sharing these insights with all of you.


Life is full of experiences that can crack you open and lead to self-discovery. Grounding and connecting with nature have been transformative for me, and I encourage you to explore these practices as well. Whether you're walking through a dark forest or touching the tap in your bathroom, it's about being present and embracing the wisdom of the world around us.

Remember, it's okay to be both a scientist and a spiritual seeker. We're all on a journey, and it's a journey we can navigate together.


Unlocking Intuition and Aphantasia: A Personal Journey


Exploring the Dream Realm: Types of Dreams, Lucid Dreaming, and Dream Enhancement