Aphantasia Experiments

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Rediscovering Connection Through Voice Notes

Hello, dear readers. Today, I want to share a personal journey, a journey that led me to rediscover the power of communication and connection through something as simple as a voice note. You see, I've always been someone who loves my friends. I cherish the bonds I share with them, and communication has always been a cornerstone of those relationships. From the time I was a child, my connection with friends was precious, and it all started with my very first telephone conversation.

Early Memories of Connection

I remember that moment vividly. I was in the 1st grade, and my first phone conversation was with a friend named Ashley. We didn't talk for long, but it left a magical impression on me. I even played a computer game while we chatted, but that was beside the point. It was the act of talking, of connecting with someone through the phone that felt truly enchanting. Since that day, I became someone who was always on the phone with my friends. I cherished those calls, and I could recite my best friends' phone numbers by heart. This was in the era of landlines, where you had to share the phone with everyone else in your house.

The Joy of Conversations

Those conversations meant everything to me. We discussed everything under the sun – crushes, school problems, family dynamics, and so much more. They were the heart and soul of my childhood, providing a deep sense of connection and understanding. But as the world changed, so did the way we communicated.

Disconnected in a Digital World

Fast forward to 2020 when the world seemed to shut down. I found myself alone in my house with three children and my husband, who wasn't much of a talker. It was during this time that I realized how disconnected I had become. With the rise of cell phones, our communication had evolved into a realm of emails and text messages. Phone conversations became rare. Why call when texting was so easy, right? What I failed to grasp was the emotional depth that was being lost in our digital exchanges. You can't sense someone's emotions or fully understand sarcasm through text, and miscommunications can lead to terrible consequences.

The Quest for Connection

I was trying to plan Zoom calls with my friends, but they often got canceled. The disconnection was palpable. Yes, I was talking to my family, but the gabfest I once had with my girlfriends was missing. The drive home from work, when I used to call my bestie and chat for the entire 50-minute drive, was a distant memory. It felt like we were all stuck in a depressing zone, unsure of how to truly communicate.

The Power of Voice Notes

Then, something remarkable happened. A friend sent me a voice note because it was an easier way for her to express her thoughts. I hesitated at first, as I was not particularly fond of my own voice, but I decided to give it a try. At the beginning, my voice notes were short and hesitant. We all stumble when trying something new. But as I continued to send voice notes regularly, my life transformed.

Free Expression and Deep Connection

Voice notes allowed me to express myself freely. I realized that when I spoke through a voice note, without immediate feedback, I talked freely and openly. I rambled on, and sometimes, I'd go on tangents without even realizing it. Strangely, those tangents often held deep meaning for the person on the other end. There's a magic that happens when you let yourself speak without reservations. The words that flow out of your mouth can be incredibly powerful. I believe we all have this power within us, waiting to be unleashed. All you need to do is pick up your phone and send a voice note.

Continuous Conversations and Deeper Bonds

The beauty of voice notes is that you can leave messages at any time. You don't need to schedule a call. Your friend can listen and respond whenever it's convenient for them. This continuous conversation, going back and forth, creates a bond that's unlike anything else. The freedom to speak without interruptions leads to meaningful and heartfelt discussions.

The Magic of Hearing a Voice

The response from my friends was incredible. They all appreciated hearing a voice. It didn't matter if they responded with a text; the fact that they had heard my voice made them feel special and connected. It's a feeling we all long for – to be heard and understood.

Try It for Yourself

I encourage you to reach out to anyone who pops into your mind. Send them a voice note. Don't be discouraged if you think you can't do it. Take the first step. Try sending a voice note to yourself, talking about anything that comes to mind. The words that will flow may surprise you. You'll discover things about yourself you never knew. Your voice is a powerful tool, and it deserves to be heard. Voice notes have the potential to change your life.


In a world filled with text messages and digital communication, don't forget the magic of your own voice. It's a tool for connection, self-discovery, and deeper relationships. Try it today, and you might be amazed by the profound connections that arise from the simple act of speaking your mind.

Remember, your voice deserves to be heard, and others' voices deserve to be listened to. Give it a try, and you'll see the world in a whole new light.