Healing from Within: Unlocking Reiki and Sound Healing for Families

Hey there, dear readers! I hope this post finds you well, and I'm excited to share something close to my heart. As a parent, I've experienced the ups and downs of raising energetic and tech-savvy children. In my journey, I stumbled upon something truly transformative: the power of Reiki and sound healing to bring balance and calm to our lives. Today, I'm thrilled to introduce a future service that I'm passionate about, one that empowers parents to use this ancient healing technique to help their children find alignment and tranquility.

The Magic of Reiki and Sound Healing:

Reiki, for those new to the practice, is an incredible tool for channeling universal life energy. And when combined with the soothing vibrations of sound healing, it becomes a game-changer for families. The constant exposure to devices and electricity can leave our kids overstimulated and restless. But fear not, this powerful duo can help ground and center them, turning those 'crazy little shits' (in the most loving way!) into their best selves.

Why Reiki 1 for Parents:

Now, you might be thinking, "Do I need to become a Reiki master for this?" The answer is a resounding "No!" The goal here is to equip parents with the tools and knowledge of Reiki 1 so that they can use this healing energy on their family members, themselves, and create a harmonious home environment. It's about nurturing your family's well-being, not starting a business.

My Journey and Ongoing Learning:

I want to assure you that I'm on this journey with you. Currently, I'm at the Reiki 1 level, but I'm continually learning about sound healing, as I've seen its profound impact on my children. As I progress through my Reiki development, my aim is to be highly trained by the time I can offer this service.

Join the Journey:

If this resonates with you, if you want to explore the power of Reiki and sound healing in your family life, I invite you to join our email list. This way, you'll be among the first to know when our services are ready.

Connect with Me:

Feel free to reach out to me at rofocreative@gmail.com if you'd like to be on our list of early learners or if you simply want to share your thoughts and experiences. Or if you live in or around Burlington, Ontario, and want to book a session with me.


The Spiritual Journey: Self-Love, Patience, Perseverance, and Aphantasia


Embracing Life's Cracks: The Art of Spiritual Kintsugi