Aphantasia Experiments

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Navigating the Inner Universe: When You Can't Picture It, Feel It

Welcome aboard the spaceship of self-discovery, where we're cruising through the cosmic sea of intuition. Here's the kicker though, not all of us are equipped with visual screens—some, like our aphantasia astronauts, navigate by stellar sensation alone.

Embarking on this inner voyage, the first step isn't to look; it's to feel. That's right, when your mental projector is out for repairs, your emotional sensors become the stars guiding you through the galaxy of your psyche. It's like being in a space odyssey, but instead of HAL 9000, you've got your trusty gut feelings at the helm.

Now, intuition isn't just about foreseeing your entire life's trajectory—let's leave that to the fortune cookies. It's about sensing the micro-moments, like knowing when to duck as life throws its curveballs, or feeling the pull of a new adventure, even if you can't envision the destination.

The universe whispers its secrets not just in images but in 4D—full-sensory experiences. For those who can't conjure up images, every note of a song, the aroma of a midnight snack, or the embrace of a cozy blanket becomes a signpost on the journey inward.

So how do we enhance these invisible yet palpable perceptions? First off, declutter the mind's orbit. Jettison the emotional space junk that no longer serves you. Bid farewell to that ancient grudge—it's like an old satellite that's been drifting aimlessly in your personal space.

Remember, the essence of intuition is not a Hollywood blockbuster playing in your head; it's more like a podcast with surround sound, felt through every fiber of your being. And when it speaks, it's not with a shout but with the gentle thrumming that resonates in the quiet spaces of your heart.

Let's keep it light—the weightlessness of humor helps us float through the heavier elements of self-exploration. Picture this... or feel this: your intuition as the friendly neighborhood barista, concocting a bespoke brew of insight, topped with a frothy layer of wisdom (and maybe a sprinkle of cosmic dust for flavor).

So for all the intrepid explorers on this inner quest, remember to keep your emotional antennas tuned to the frequency of joy, curiosity, and serendipity. And for my aphantasia crew, you may not see the stars, but you'll sure as the cosmos feel their twinkle.

Have you ever had an out-of-body experience? Do you have aphantasia, but ONE time you were able to see something? Have you ever had a near-death experience?

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