Aphantasia Experiments

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Hey Netflix, Here's a Show Idea: The Voice Notes Experiment

Hey Netflix, welcome to the first installment of my blog post series, "Hey Netflix," where I pitch unique show ideas, all while hoping that someone from Netflix might just stumble upon them. I believe in the power of creative thinking, and I've got a head full of ideas that I'd love to share with you. Today, I'll introduce you to a concept inspired by shows like "Love is Blind" and "The Circle." It's a social experiment that could be a game-changer in the world of reality TV.

The Concept:

Imagine a dating show or a social experiment where participants can't see each other. Instead, they communicate solely through voice notes. The catch? These voice notes are time-limited, say, five or ten minutes. Why is this intriguing? Well, when you're talking for an extended period, you stop overthinking, and the conversation becomes more authentic. It's like that writing exercise where your teacher tells you to keep writing until something meaningful emerges. In this case, people would be forced to get to the deep stuff quickly.

The Details:

  • Participants have to send voice notes, sharing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

  • The show could have starting points for each conversation to guide discussions.

  • Over time, the participants would form connections without ever seeing each other.

  • Clips from these conversations would be the highlight of the show, capturing the most intriguing and personal moments.

  • The show could be a dating experiment, a friendship-building journey, or even a lesson on effective communication skills and teamwork.

Why It's Worth Considering:

This concept goes beyond the typical dating show. It's a fascinating social experiment that would push people out of their comfort zones, encouraging them to communicate deeply and authentically. It's an opportunity to observe how people connect when appearance is taken out of the equation. Plus, it's an excellent way to emphasize the importance of listening, proper communication, and escaping our ego-driven minds.

A Perfect Sponsor:

I can't help but think that Apple could be a great sponsor for this show. With their easy-to-use voice note feature on iPhones, they're already promoting a form of communication that would be central to this concept. Of course, other phones offer similar features, but since I use an iPhone, I'm a bit biased.


So, Netflix, I present to you the "Voice Notes Experiment." It's a show that promises to be entertaining, thought-provoking, and a catalyst for personal growth. Whether it's for dating, friendship, or team-building, the concept has the potential to capture hearts and spark meaningful conversations. I hope you find it as intriguing as I do, and perhaps, we can bring this unique idea to life on your platform.

Stay tuned for more "Hey Netflix" pitches, and who knows, one day, one of these ideas might just catch your attention!

Netflix. Have your people call my people.