Aphantasia Experiments

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George S. Patton: A Historical Figure’s Dance with Destiny and Reincarnation

The legendary military figure George S. Patton was known not only for his fierce leadership but also for his unique belief in reincarnation. This conviction was more than a personal quirk—it was a lens through which he viewed his experiences and successes.

Patton's storied life took an intriguing turn when he visited Langres, a French town rich with Roman history. Despite never having set foot there before, Patton displayed an uncanny knowledge of the area, attributing it to his past life as a Roman legionnaire. His detailed account of historical sites, as if guided by an invisible whisperer, left a striking impression on those around him.

His belief in past lives extended beyond personal anecdotes. It influenced his perception of military strategy and fate. Patton felt a kinship with historical warriors and battles long before his time. On one occasion, a British general remarked that Patton would have made an excellent marshal for Napoleon. His response, "But I did," was said with a grin, a testament to his belief that his soul had navigated through history, playing pivotal roles in the shaping of the world.

Patton's legacy is a tapestry of bravery, tactical genius, and a philosophical view that transcends time. His life invites us to ponder the threads of past and present and whether the echoes of history resonate within us all.

Have you ever had an out-of-body experience? Do you have aphantasia, but ONE time you were able to see something? Have you ever had a near-death experience?

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