Aphantasia Experiments

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Finding My Voice and Rediscovering Connection

Growing up in my house was a joyful experience. Our family vacations mostly consisted of camping trips and visits to my grandparents in Florida. My brother, sister, and I rarely fought, except for the occasional debate over which TV show to watch – "Full House" or "Star Trek." However, even as a child, I couldn't help but feel that I was different from my siblings. I often felt like the odd one out, like they were part of a secret club to which I didn't belong. We had different interests and passions.

Thankfully, I had friends who shared my interests. In the fourth grade, I vividly remember sitting on my bedroom floor, arranging Scrabble pieces for a game we called "Spirit in the Glass," an attempt to communicate with spirits from the other side. My brother and sister wanted no part of it, but a friend had introduced me to this intriguing concept, and it filled my life with wonder. It made me feel alive, and I was wholly engrossed in the experience. However, back then, I had no knowledge of protection or grounding during such practices; I was simply fascinated by the movement of the glass on the floor, spelling out messages from unseen entities.

As I grew older, my brother and sister maintained their disinterest in spiritual matters. My sister, in particular, was averse to any discussion involving the supernatural. I remember a significant event when we traveled to England during my 10th-grade year. I began having profound and lifelike dreams, unlike my regular dreams back home. These dreams felt significant, as if the spirit world was trying to communicate with me. I was eager to take the next step and attempt "Spirit in the Glass" once more. However, since my brother and sister remained uninterested, I found myself without a partner in England.

During that time, I had a dream that I still remember vividly. In the dream, I was in my friend Kelly's house, floating in her pool with a child on my hip. I felt an intense and unmistakable love for the child, understanding that he was my son. This was a remarkable revelation because I was only 14 or 15 at the time, far from being ready to have a child. However, the dream felt as if I were the same age, and the connection with the child was undeniably real. I couldn't forget the emotions and feelings I experienced in that dream.

Years later, as I stood in my best friend's pool, holding my son Hunter on my hip, I was struck by a powerful sense of déjà vu. I had given birth to a child at the age of 17, and in that moment, with my son on my hip, the dream I had years before had come to life. It was more than a mere coincidence; it felt like the spirit world had given me a glimpse of my future.

As I grew older and met my husband in my mid-20s, my focus shifted away from spirituality. My days were filled with trying to establish my career after graduating from college, and I had put spiritual experiences on hold. But in my mid-30s, something inside me began to stir, and I couldn't ignore it. My spiritual side demanded attention and expression.

As my connection to spirituality deepened, I found myself transforming into a different person from the one my husband had fallen in love with. My journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening was causing profound changes within me, and my husband struggled to understand what I was going through. We found it challenging to communicate, and I couldn't convey the depth of my experiences. Our marriage faced a significant strain as I changed and he remained unchanged.

However, my introduction to voice notes changed everything. I began communicating with my friends through voice notes, sharing my thoughts, experiences, and spiritual journey. It was through these voice notes that I found a safe space to express myself authentically. I had harbored a fear of being judged by my immediate family, especially my sister, who strongly opposed anything related to spirituality or the supernatural.

Through the voice notes, I learned to express myself effectively. My friends' feedback was invaluable, and their support allowed me to articulate my experiences, thoughts, and changes. The confidence I gained from these voice notes was remarkable. I began to appreciate my own voice and realized that it was a powerful tool for self-expression.

This transformation didn't just apply to how I perceived my voice. The throat chakra, which is associated with communication and self-expression, plays a crucial role in our lives. If this chakra is blocked, you may struggle to know what you want, to express yourself authentically, or to communicate your ideas effectively. Over time, as I engaged in voice notes, I found my throat chakra opening, allowing me to express my thoughts more freely and confidently.

It's essential to remember that the act of listening is just as important as speaking. Active listening was a crucial component of my interactions through voice notes. As my friends rambled on in their messages, my mind would open up to new ideas and perspectives, and I found myself able to download insights and understanding. It felt like a spiritual experience; my words flowed effortlessly as if they were channeled through me. These voice notes held a deeper meaning, almost prophetic and profound.

Engaging in this practice didn't merely facilitate communication and understanding. It transformed my voice and my perception of myself. I went from hating the sound of my own voice to embracing it. Through voice notes, I learned to release the power of the throat chakra, making communication a powerful tool for self-expression and personal growth.

This practice allowed me to resolve communication issues with my husband that I wasn't even aware of. As I began sharing my experiences and changes with him through voice notes, our connection grew stronger. He might not have reacted the same way as my friends did, but he listened without judgment. That was all I needed – to be heard, supported, and loved through my spiritual journey, even if we were on different paths.

In hindsight, my journey from recording childhood radio shows with my siblings and friends, to being able to express myself authentically through voice notes, has been transformative. I've come to understand the power of the voice, the throat chakra, and the role of communication in our lives. My hope is that my story resonates with others and inspires them to unlock the power of their voice, embrace their authenticity, and find deeper connections through open communication.

In conclusion, there is more to life than what we see on the surface. There are hidden aspects of ourselves waiting to be discovered and expressed. Our voice is a magical instrument for personal growth, connection, and spiritual awakening. It's time to find your voice and start communicating your truth.