Aphantasia Experiments

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Decluttering the Closet of Your Mind: A Guide to Emotional Feng Shui

Ever feel like your brain is a cluttered closet, overflowing with emotional keepsakes from years gone by? It's time for some mental feng shui. Just like your living spaces, your mind deserves a Marie Kondo-style spruce-up now and then.

Consider those emotional hooks — remnants of past experiences we cling to like souvenirs. It might be a varsity jacket or an old mixtape, relics that now feel like weights rather than treasures. For those with aphantasia, this clutter isn't visual; it's a felt burden, like an invisible backpack loaded with bricks.

The key to decluttering isn’t just physical disposal, but releasing the old energies these items represent. It's about shedding the weight of the past to let your current mood flourish.

How do you initiate this emotional spring cleaning? Start by recognizing your mental clutter. Is there an item from the past that brings more frowns than joy? Time to let it go.

Your ego might resist, accustomed to hoarding old grievances, but your spirit is eager for liberation. Sometimes, though, you need extra help in this process. That's where my Reiki services come in. With intuitive Reiki healing, you can address the energetic sludge that's been weighing you down. It’s like having an emotional cleanup crew to help you part with those past sorrows.

In the end, decluttering is about lightening your spiritual load. Free up those vibes, and you'll feel your intuition thanking you with clearer signals and a rejuvenated spirit.

So, it's time to tackle those emotional dust-bunnies and open up your mind’s sanctuary. Embrace the freedom that comes with a clean emotional slate. For those looking to explore this journey further, my Reiki services are a click away.