Aphantasia Experiments

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Chasing the Sun: A Journey from Aphantasia to Visualization through Ancient Sun Gazing

Hello, radiant readers! Today, let's embark on a journey that's literally 'enlightening'. We're talking about sun gazing, an ancient practice that's all about staring at the sun (responsibly, of course) and, incidentally, my own little experiment with light to cure my aphantasia – a fancy term for 'I can't visualize stuff in my head'.

Sun Gazing: Not Just for Sunflowers!

Sun gazing is an age-old practice, typically done during the safe hours of sunrise and sunset. The idea? To stimulate and ignite visions in our pineal gland, also known as the 'third eye' or the 6th chakra. It's like tuning a radio, but instead of catching your favorite station, you're aligning your chakras.

A Journey Through the Chakras

The 6th chakra, located between the eyebrows, is considered the seat of intuition and insight. When we consciously tune this chakra with the rest, it's like assembling a superhero team inside your head. Each chakra has its role, from grounding us in reality to unlocking our heart's deepest desires. And the 6th? It's your inner visionary, the dreamer, the wise sage that guides you through life's ups and downs.

My Experiment: Light vs. Aphantasia

Here's the twist: I've been playing around with lights to cure my aphantasia. Think of it as sun gazing, but with less risk of bumping into a tree. It's like trying to wake up my brain's sleeping projector. And guess what? It's starting to work! I'm beginning to see more than just darkness when I close my eyes. It's not full-blown visions yet, but hey, baby steps!

Is There a Connection?

So, is my light experiment similar to sun gazing? Maybe! Both practices involve light and the pursuit of inner sight. While sun gazers seek spiritual enlightenment, I'm over here just happy to see a blob of color. But who knows? Maybe we're all on different paths to the same destination.

Why Try Sun Gazing (Or Stare at Lights)?

Apart from the potential spiritual benefits, sun gazing (done safely!) and my light experiment are about exploring the unknown territories of our minds. It's a quest for understanding, for unlocking potential, and for those of us with aphantasia, it's about finally being able to picture a beach without having to actually go to one.

In Conclusion: Enlightenment or Just a Bright Idea?

Whether sun gazing opens the doors to spiritual realms or my light experiment ends up curing my aphantasia, the journey itself is fascinating. It's a reminder that sometimes, looking at the bright side (quite literally) can lead to unexpected discoveries.

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