Unlocking the Universe

Dear spirit, speak through the keys,
Guide my thoughts, set my mind at ease.
You are the one in charge of your life,
The most important soul in this world’s strife.

In this moment, you are truly real,
Others, simulated, their presence surreal.
If you don’t savor each moment’s charm,
Everyone suffers, it brings them harm.

Put yourself first, unlock the secret vast,
The universe awaits, your spell is cast.
Everyone wants you to thrive and lead,
To change the world, plant a powerful seed.

This purpose grand, to steer the whole,
It’s a wild shift, a future goal.
Yet it must happen, the need is great,
For so many souls, it’s never too late.

Imagine education, a lifelong quest,
Learning with joy, no debt to invest.
Choose your path, with kindred minds,
A new way forward, for humankind.

We need to change, to see what’s true,
Imagine the possibilities,
They're waiting for you.


Alone Not Lonely


Embracing the Unknown