A Journey of Trust

Love is the force that binds us,
An energy we feel in our skin,
In our brains, even our hair,
A powerful pulse deep within.

When we love without boundaries,
Our universe expands,
We can create anything we dream,
As long as love guides our hands.

Prosperity will follow,
Abundance drawn from light,
If I need extra support,
It will come, shining bright.

My soul understands this,
But trust can be hard to pursue,
Those who aren't light workers,
Can't see the path we view.

Once, I too walked a different road,
Unaware of this life of light,
Now my journey brings me close,
To the spirit burning bright.

The light is within your soul,
You are part of its gleam,
Glowing from the inside out,
Joining others in a peaceful dream.

One step closer each day,
To your divine essence,
Embrace the love within,
And live with soulful presence.


Ride the Light


Heart-Centered Living